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Create New Memories: 11 Ideas To Bond With Your Family This Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a fun and joyous time for all. For many, this is a time to see loved ones who we may not get to see regularly throughout the year. An extra element of fun and heartwarming moments can be made when trying new traditions and things to bond over that create long lasting memories. Below is a list of ideas we came up with to draw some inspiration from.

Game Time

Play a game with family and friends and get the laughs going. A fun game of holiday name that tune is easy and fun to execute. For the stronger competitors, there are a ton of videos and ideas online of various games to play. When there’s littles involved, something as simple as blowing cotton balls across a table with a straw can bring forth lots of laughs.

Say Cheese!

Polaroid makes a new spin on their traditional old school polaroid camera where it prints pictures on stickers. Have fun capturing memories and selfies and then create a collage to commemorate your time spent with one another.

Pot Luck

Take pressure off of one person “hosting” a meal for a ton of people and have everyone contribute a dish. Shared recipes are always a good conversation starter and brings variety to the spread.

Give Together

Why not use serving someone less fortunate as an opportunity to bond with family? Find an organization everyone has an interest in helping and find a way to serve as a family. This could be the gift of time or pooling together for a monetary donation.

Let it Snow!

Make paper snowflakes together and hang them all around. Whenever the host sees them, it will serve as a reminder of a full house and a happy heart.

Secret Santa

When gathering with family, take some of the pressure off of having to get everyone something. Do a secret santa gift exchange. It’s fun to watch others guest who their gift giver was and helps everyone get to know each other more.

Smore Memories, Please

If the weather permits, gather around a warm fire outside and make smores together. Laugh over who can cook a marshmallow without burning it to bits and make some yummy fun.

Silent Night?

Watch an old school holiday movie on mute and have people take on the voices of different characters. This will bring on a bunch of laughs.

Carol, can you hear me?

Assign everyone a christmas carol as their nickname and refer them to it the rest of the time spent together. If they don’t answer, they get a point. Whoever has the most points by the end of the shared meal, has to do dishes. 

Gingerbread house competition

Everyone decorates a gingerbread house and someone posts pictures of them online and conducts a vote. Whoever wins can get an extra gift or a small prize. 

Christmas Pickle

Some families have a christmas pickle competition where they have an ornament that is shaped like a pickle and the first person to find it on the tree gets to either open a gift first or gets a smaller bonus gift.

These are just some fun ideas to get the creative juices flowing. Do you and your family have any fun holiday traditions? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash



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