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8 Reasons Glamping Should Be On Your Travel Bucket List

If you’re an avid traveler or a lover of the great outdoors, it’s time to elevate your adventure game and consider adding glamping to the top of your bucket list. Glamping offers a luxurious twist on the traditional camping experience, providing the best of both worlds.

What Is Glamping?

Glamping combines “glamorous” and “camping” and is a luxurious and comfortable way to experience the great outdoors. Unlike traditional camping, it combines the serenity of nature with the amenities and comforts of upscale accommodations. Think cozy beds, stylish furnishings, and gourmet meals in a beautiful natural landscape.

Here are eight compelling reasons why glamping should be a must-do on your travel agenda:

1. No Need to Set Up

One of the biggest perks of glamping is the absence of the time-consuming and sometimes frustrating tent-pitching process. There’s no need to wrestle with tent fabric and decipher confusing instructions – it’s all done for you. Without this hassle, you have more time to explore and relax.

2. Reconnecting With Nature

Spending time outdoors is linked to improved mood and reduced anxiety. Whether you choose a forest retreat, a seaside escape, or a mountain hideaway, glamping allows you to immerse yourself in Mother Nature. Many glamping sites are in pristine natural settings, allowing you to disconnect from technology and reconnect with the natural world. 

3. Stress Relief

Studies have shown that cortisol, one of our stress hormones, decreases after spending time outdoors, and glamping offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Surrounded by nature’s beauty, you can experience greater relaxation and stress relief.

The absence of city noise and the presence of natural sounds, like rustling leaves and chirping birds, contribute to a peaceful atmosphere that positively impacts your mental well-being. 

4. Opportunity for Physical Activity in Comfort

Participating in outdoor activities is a fundamental aspect of glamping. From hiking and kayaking to stargazing and wildlife watching, there are numerous ways to stay active while enjoying the comforts of a more luxurious campsite. Physical activity can benefit your mind and body, and doing so outside can improve your mental health, help you produce more vitamin D, and boost your immune function.

5. Luxurious Amenities

A main draw of glamping is the various luxury amenities you wouldn’t find in traditional camping. Enjoy comfortable beds, private bathrooms, such as showers and a flushing toilet, and sometimes even hot tubs under the stars.

6. Gourmet Dining

Say goodbye to canned beans and instant noodles. Glamping often includes gourmet dining experiences, allowing you to savor delicious meals. Some glamping sites even offer private chefs who can create personalized menus, ensuring your taste buds are looked after as well. 

7. Quality Sleep Under the Stars

One of the highlights of glamping is sleeping in a comfortable bed under the open sky. Quality sleep is crucial for your overall health, and glamping ensures you get the rest you need after a busy day of outdoor activities. The fresh air, natural sounds, and a cozy bed create the perfect environment for a rejuvenating night’s sleep.

8. Better Safety 

Glamping offers a worry-free outdoor experience. Unlike camping, where you might find yourself fumbling with tent poles in the dark or concerned about the durability of your shelter, glamping accommodations can put your mind at ease. These structures are robust, secure, and adhere to safety standards, so you can enjoy your adventure without fretting about unpredictable weather conditions or unexpected challenges.

Glamping is a transformative way to experience the beauty of spending time in nature. So, add it to your bucket list — whether it’s under Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, Blyde Canyon in South Africa, Govenor’s Island in New York, or the Cambodian rainforest — your next outdoor escape awaits.

Featured image via Lucija Ros on Pexels



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