Home Adulting 5 Creative Ideas For Remembering Your Pet

5 Creative Ideas For Remembering Your Pet

Woman Remember Your Pets

Having a pet is like having a child in a lot of ways; in fact, many people call their pets their “kids” or their “children” because they are so bonded to them. Your pets are there for you in ways humans sometimes can’t be, with a snuggle when you’re sad or a “meow” to say “hello.” This is why there are so many people who become saddened with the loss of their pets and need to find ways to remember them. 

Some of the easiest and most convenient ways to remember your pet are to have pictures of them on your phone or to speak of their memories. Additionally, here are five creative ways to remember your pets as well:

1. Keep Your Pet Close

A way to keep your pet close to your heart and in your home forever is to have them cremated and then find a way to display their ashes creatively. One way to do so is to choose a customizable and individually designed custom urn. These pet urns can look just like your pet and feature their favorite things like fire hydrants, their dog bed, their collars, and even their favorite toys. Display these urns lovingly in your room as a constant reminder of the amazing friend your pet was. 

2. Use Their Tags

Your animal might be one of your best friends or even your best friend. Losing them is harder than many things you’ll encounter and, sometimes, having a memento of your best furry friend can be helpful for you. This is why keeping your pet’s animal tags might be a good way to memorialize them. You can wear them as a necklace, feature them around your home, or even hang them from your rearview mirror to think of them every time you drive. You may also opt for specially-made animal tags after death that speak to the love you had for your furbaby and that you can keep anywhere to remember them.

3. Buy A Memorialized Pet Bed

Your animal is your baby and becomes a part of the family. Sometimes, the hardest part of losing a pet is the reminder that they aren’t in your home anywhere. Seeing their empty bed can be very hard and this is sometimes why people will throw them out to avoid the pain. However, creating or having a memorialized pet bed created is a great way to lovingly remember your pet and can help you process your grief. You may opt for a full-sized memorialized pet bed or just a small replica of their bed that you can place elsewhere in your home. 

4. Design Customized Clothing

You may want to feature your loved pup on your clothing. Ordering customized t-shirts, sweatshirts, and even canvas bags or keychains is a great way to keep your animal’s essence on your body, close to you, and in the front of your mind. It is easy to get customized items made for you through a variety of sites online. Make sure you choose durable materials that will machine well without fading the image of your beloved furbaby. 

5. Make a Small Shrine

This might sound a little off, but having a set place where you can go to remember your pet and spend time thinking of them is not abnormal. Setting up a small shrine of pictures, their collar and tags, and maybe their favorite toy is a great way to view them and remember them any time you desire. It also allows you to have a private moment of peace with them whenever you want.

Allow Yourself Time to Grieve

Oftentimes, finding the time and place to grieve the loss of your animals can be difficult. Non-animal lovers may not understand the need to grieve and take time to remember and long for their pets. But, they are a part of your life and a being with which you’re connected, so make sure to take time for yourself to process their loss and grieve. While losing a pet might not be as difficult as the loss of a person, for some it is and shouldn’t be understated. For your health and those around you, make sure you allow yourself the opportunity to grieve and remember them with appropriate memorialized items.

Feature Image by Maksim Goncharenok on Pexels


  1. One creative idea is to create a memory garden dedicated to your pet, with plants, flowers, and stones representing special moments. Another is crafting a scrapbook filled with photos, anecdotes, and mementos, keeping cherished memories alive. stainless steel cat litter box


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