Home Latest Brigitta Bekesi’s New Book Helps Women Find Their Uniqueness

Brigitta Bekesi’s New Book Helps Women Find Their Uniqueness

Brigitta Bekesi is a London-based transformational coach who covers various topics around women’s wellness and health. She is the creator of Beautyrobic, a women’s lifestyle brand providing unique workouts, meditations, tutorials, courses, and workshops. Brigitta has made it her life’s mission to help women become more confident, connected creatures. She recently has penned a book that she hopes will help her do so. Her book, titled Mindful Magnetic Woman: Understanding the Levels of Real Attractiveness To Maximize Your Inner and Outer Glow, can be found on Amazon as well as her website. I had the pleasure of interviewing Brigitta to learn more about her book and her life’s passion and commitment to women’s wellness. Check out some of the highlights from our conversation:

Theresa: If you could share only one thing from your book, what would it be?

Brigitta Bekesi: If I could share only one thing from my book to captivate the audience, it would be the uniqueness of providing a complete system that guides you step by step to achieve genuine inner and outer allure. The system offers not just theory but practical, achievable tasks that lead to lasting solutions.

One interesting aspect I’d highlight is a sociological study showing that we make decisions emotionally and then rationalize them. That is why my book’s goal is so important. It helps you maximize your inner and outer glow, develop charisma, and become the one-in-a-million person people can’t resist.

T: What inspired the beginning of your health journey?

Brigitta: I grew up with a strong focus on my health from a young age, thanks to the influence of female-centric magazines. However, the inspiration for my journey has changed throughout my life. In my teens and twenties, I wanted to look attractive and catch boys’ attention. While wanting to look good is still true, the target shifted after I gave birth. My primary goal is to keep my body healthy and active for my perpetually energetic little girl. Thus, the health journey will accompany me throughout life.

T: What are your thoughts on the societal pressures of body image and diet culture?

Brigitta: Societal pressures related to body image and diet culture often lead us to aspire to be someone we’re not. My book teaches readers how to bring out their true allure and helps them recognize their uniqueness and inner beauty. How others perceive us doesn’t matter. Focus on your own unique potential, don’t let it go to waste, and strive to extract the most from it!

T: What are your aspirations for your future and the future of your company?

Brigitta: Since my daughter’s birth, I’ve felt an even greater responsibility for my mission. Teaching every woman to feel great in her skin, boost her confidence, and make her more radiant is crucial. A happy mother leads to a happy baby, which leads to a happy family, which positively impacts future generations. We’re all born for a reason, embedded with uniqueness and charm. We just need to discover and unleash the potential within us.

Briggita’s book covers many wellness topics, from physical well-being to mental, spiritual, and sexual health. She has a nugget of information for everyone, no matter where they are on their health journey. If you’re interested, check out her website to see all of the additional resources she has.

Featured image via RF._.studio on Pexels



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