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5 Creative And Artistic Jobs For An INTP


For those of you who have done an MBTI test and have received the four letters “INTP,” you may have heard from others that you’re a good analyst and logistician. When you break it down, the “INTP” type is introverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. This personality type is often rarer, comprising only 3 to 5% of the population

As a result, INTPs are known to be in their own world and work independently on tasks. Individuals with this personality type often like to analyze challenges, live by their own rules, and come up with creative solutions. 

Due to their analytical nature, many would say that INTPs are a great fit for science-related professions. This often includes computer programmers, software engineers, or data analysts. But what if you’re an INTP who despises science? If you’re on more of the artistic side as an INTP, here are five jobs to consider: 

1. Translator 

If you’re a fan of languages and literature, consider becoming a translator. Compared to other MBTI types, INTPs are more likely than other types to study a foreign language. This can be due to the analytical nature of learning new grammatical syntaxes, and trying to piece sentences together. 

Moreover, languages are a great way to discover a new culture. INTPs usually find themselves wanting to learn more about new topics. So by continuously learning about new cultures and languages, an INTP won’t feel bored. 

2. Journalist 

Some INTPs love to write about different topics and converse with various people. INTPs value objectivity and truth, which is crucial for reporters and journalists. Also, since INTPs are analytical, they will analyze all aspects of the situation before delivering a conclusion. This will allow them to search for different angles of the story. 

3. Photographer 

Many say that a lot of INTPs love photography. This may be due to the fact that photography is a combination of technical and artistic skills. A professional will have to understand both the camera and light to capture a fantastic photo. INTPs always like to look at ways to capture different perspectives, and to showcase multiple meanings, which makes photography a great fit for them. 

4. UX Designer 

For INTPs who love computers but don’t love coding, a UX designer is a great alternate choice. UX designers are designing websites to make them more intuitive. An INTP can contribute to this by sharing their own opinions and ideas. Designing interfaces will allow INTPs to share their vision with the world, as many of them desire to work on ideas

5. Architect 

Similar to UX Design, an architect utilizes scientific and artistic skills. Sometimes, architects will find themselves using creative problem-solving to think of the usability and feasibility of a building design. INTPs thrive on creative problem-solving, which is a vital skill for a career as an architect. 

For those INTPs who love the creative arts, you may consider pursuing some of the jobs above. However, what’s more important is your own interests. If you’re interested in writing, consider becoming a journalist. But if you’re more interested in design, you can definitely become an UX designer or an architect. In the end, every INTP has different interests which will impact their decision. But what matters is they’re all creative problem-solvers who will thrive in a field with innovation. 

Feature Image by Antoni Shkraba on Pexels



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