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Make An Informed Decision: Here Are The Pros & Cons Of IUDs

Pros Cons IUD

Selecting appropriate contraception is a vital decision a woman will ever make for her reproductive health. Intrauterine devices have been gaining popularity – from their cost-effectiveness to long-term contraception. How will you know if the birth control, IUD, is right for you? Deciding without weighing the pros and cons can be daunting. This post will discuss all the positives and negatives of an IUD to help you decide on your family planning needs.

What is an Intrauterine Device (IUD)?

IUD is a contraception device placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is a small “T-shaped” plastic device with two strings attached. The strings allow easy removal by your doctor, nurse practitioner or midwife in their office. IUDs are 99% effective and provide a safe, reliable way to prevent pregnancy without using other drugs. 

The Pros of Getting Intrauterine Devices

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are an increasingly popular contraception with many advantages. IUDs offer hormonal and non-hormonal options, a long-lasting method of contraception, and effective protection from unplanned pregnancies. They also require minimal maintenance and provide convenience and lighter periods. Ultimately, IUDs are reversible and cost-effective.

1. Hormonal and Non-Hormonal Options

Hormonal IUDs release progestin, a hormone similar to the one naturally produced by the body. It thickens the cervical mucus, preventing sperm from easily entering the uterus.

Non-hormonal IUDs are made of copper and work by preventing fertilisation. Copper is toxic to sperm, which acts as a barrier to pregnancy prevention. It also avoids infection in the uterus.

2. Long-Lasting Contraception 

IUDs last five to ten years, depending on the type. It is far longer than other forms of contraception, such as condoms, pills, or patches, improving convenience and reliability over time.

3. Effective Contraception

IUDs are an effective birth control with a success rate of over 99%. It means less than one will become pregnant for every 100 women using an IUD. 

4. Convenient and Minimal Maintenance

Once the IUD is inserted, it requires minimal maintenance. All you need to do is to check your strings every month by feeling for them in the opening of your cervix using a clean finger. It will help you make sure that the IUD is still in place. Taking a pill daily is unnecessary, making it a more convenient option. 

5. Lighter Periods

IUDs can lead to lighter, less painful periods. In particular, hormonal IUDs reduce menstrual flow by up to 90%, making them a great option for women with heavy menstrual flow or menstrual disorders. Additionally, some users have reported relief from symptoms such as cramping and fatigue associated with their period. 

6. Reversible

IUDs are reversible, meaning fertility quickly returns once it is removed. It makes them an ideal option for those who want the convenience and reliability of long-term contraception but still want to be able to conceive in the future. 

7. Cost-Effective

The initial price of inserting an IUD can be expensive. However, it is much cheaper than other forms of contraception over its lifetime. 

The Cons Of Using Intrauterine Devices

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are popular contraception but have some possible drawbacks. Below is an overview of the cons of IUDs to consider before deciding to use one: 

1. Irregular Menstrual Patterns

A common side effect of using an IUD is changes in menstrual cycles. Women may experience irregular bleeding or spotting, heavier or longer periods than usual, and occasionally no period.

2. Uterine Perforation

Uterine perforation occurs when the device is incorrectly inserted, resulting in an unintended uterus wall or cervix puncture. Although rare, if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as infection, inflammation and even damage to nearby organs and blood vessels.

3, Possible Health Problems

An IUD increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) caused by a bacterial infection. 

4. Side Effects After the Procedure

Immediately after the IUD insertion, some women may experience cramping or pain, nausea, dizziness, and in rare cases, fainting.

5. Initial Discomfort and Insertion Risks

Inserting the device can be an uncomfortable experience and can even lead to a small amount of pain for some women. 

6. Displacement of the Device

Another potential IUD risk is the possibility of the device becoming partially or completely displaced from its proper position. It can happen if the strings used to remove it are pulled too hard, or the device shifts out of place. If this happens, it will no longer be effective, and a replacement may need to be inserted. 

7. Risk of Complications

While IUDs are usually easily removed, there is still a risk of complications during the procedure. For example, if the strings used to remove the device become tangled or broken, it may not be easy to remove and could require a surgical procedure.

Final Thoughts

It is important to consider that no decision should be made without sufficient research and obtaining accurate information. The pros and cons associated with IUDs are many. However, all decisions should ultimately come down to your confidence that it will provide the necessary protection against unwanted pregnancies- while providing ease of use – which is why researching all of your options before concluding is key.

Photo by Thirdman on Pexels



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