Home Fashion 7 Tips For Learning To Sew Your Next Party Dress

7 Tips For Learning To Sew Your Next Party Dress

So, you want to make your own party dress but need help figuring out where to start? No worries! This guide provides seven tips to help you get started on the right foot.

1. Realistically assess your sewing skills

Depending on your pattern and material, sewing a dress can be either simple or complicated. Taking some time at the beginning of your project to realistically assess your current skill level will ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. Doing this well ahead of time also leaves you plenty of chances to take lessons or brush up on your skills with videos.

2. Practice working with easy-to-use fabrics

If you are relatively new to sewing clothing, it might be helpful to start with materials that are easy to see. For example, making a pair of pajama pants from fleece fabric is a beginner project that almost anyone can tackle. Fleece doesn’t fray or stretch, so it is easy and forgiving to work with. As you gain experience, you can move to more difficult knits or silky fabrics.

3. Learn how to read sewing patterns

This is one skill that you will need, regardless of the complexity of your chosen dress pattern. Reading a sewing pattern can feel like learning a new language, and in some ways, it is. After all, every pattern is different, but they all share some common features or notations. So, you will definitely need to learn them. Once you know those symbols, you can decode almost any pattern.

If you run into something you don’t understand, someone else has probably had the same issue before. So, do a quick internet search, and you’ll likely come across instructions or a tutorial for working around your roadblock.

4. Take lessons from an experienced seamstress

If you have the time and resources, seek out someone with more experience. Ask about taking lessons, either formally or informally, to hone your skills. Alternatively, if you are working one-on-one with an instructor, you can ask about specific material types or patterns. You might even be able to work on your dress as a team. This will allow you to have someone to turn to with questions, concerns, or problems that pop up along the way.

5. Get your sewing machine tuned up

Many people do not realize that, like other equipment, sewing machines need routine maintenance. You can expect problems with skipped stitches, improper tension, or a complete breakdown without regular service. You want to avoid that since very few things will derail a sewing project like a broken sewing machine. So, if it’s been a while since you’ve had your machine serviced, find a reputable repair company and take your machine in for a quick tune-up before you start the dress.

6. Choose your pattern and materials

Once you are familiar with deciphering patterns, it is time to choose the one you will work with when creating your party dress. Don’t assume that because an envelope says “easy” or “beginner,” things will go smoothly from start to finish. Some of these so-called simple patterns are incredibly confusing, even for individuals with advanced sewing skills.

So, to avoid problems, take the time to read through the instructions and materials list. Look at the pattern pieces and steps. If something seems confusing, you might want to keep looking for one that is more familiar. Remember, it only takes one skipped or false step to scrap your entire project.

7. Work slowly through each step

Once you decide on a pattern and purchase suitable materials, you can get to work. Take each step slowly, and be sure you understand the instructions before you proceed. Take the adage to “measure twice, cut once” to heart during this process. Material is expensive, and having to start over can mean many wasted hours of work.

You can tackle a major sewing project like making a dress by starting with easy-to-sew fabrics, learning from someone more experienced, and working through each step slowly and carefully.

Featured image via Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash



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