Home Health What Is Corrective Exercise & Do You Need It?

What Is Corrective Exercise & Do You Need It?

Generally speaking, exercise is any physical activity that requires us to sweat and expend energy to achieve beneficial health results. The great thing about exercise is that almost anyone can do it. Certain types of exercise, however, are used for certain conditions affecting different people. 

Our bodies are unique and they go through distinctive daily wear and tear from all the stress and activity we subject them to. It is only natural to seek healing specific to our body’s needs. For this, it is best to make physiotherapists tailor specific corrective exercises for you.

What is corrective exercise?

Seeing the word “corrective,” one immediately thinks that something wrong needs to be set right, and in this context, there is. Corrective exercise is one or a series of exercises implemented after assessing and determining what causes your body’s imbalance. It also corrects wrong movement patterns that cause issues in your body. 

Do I need Corrective Exercise?

Physiotherapists in Singapore tailor specific corrective exercises depending on what you need. 

We all have different heights, weights, ages, proportions, ways of movement, postures, muscle strength, and bone structures. So it is best to visit competent physiotherapists so they can properly assess your situation and recommend the proper exercise.

So how do you know if you need corrective exercise? To some people, the answer is obvious. Pain is a common sensation during physical activity, even for people who are otherwise in good health. And when pain occurs during physical activity, it usually means something wrong has been going on repetitively for a long period of time. 

What are the Benefits of Corrective Exercise?

Corrective exercise may be applied to anyone who has become accustomed to the application of repetitive, harmful patterns of movement, which can sooner or later cause damage to your body. Physiotherapy may help in alleviating pain in situations like this.

Corrective exercise may also benefit people who have experienced some form of physical injury requiring care and rehabilitation. Healing can happen, and the previously injured body part’s functions may return partially or fully, depending on the severity of the damage.

Another beneficial aspect of corrective exercise is that it can help people who wish to improve their performance in sports or grueling activities such as preparing for a marathon. A professional will assess your running gait, for example, and give recommendations on how to improve it so you may increase your distance and speed with lesser chances of injury. 

Corrective exercise may also improve your performance in sports like golf and tennis. A physiotherapy center with an indoor golf or tennis swing analysis facility can assess your swing stroke and recommend what you need to change and how to improve your movement. 

Physiotherapy may also benefit those who have no exercise experience or are overweight. Getting started can be stressful if you wish to gain physical strength or manage your weight but are not used to exercising. 

A physiotherapy center can schedule water-based exercise in a swimming pool for you. Aquatic corrective exercise may also be beneficial to older people. The buoyancy in the water helps make your body lighter and easier to move, so performing exercises can be easier. 

You may also want to seek a physiotherapist’s help if you have experienced cardiovascular or muscular deconditioning. Cardiovascular and muscular deconditioning occurs when you have had instances of prolonged bed rest or have had a sedentary lifestyle, causing your heart and muscles to lose strength and deteriorate. Corrective exercises may help you rehabilitate your muscles once you are ready and healthy enough to resume normal daily activity. 

Corrective exercises are not only for those experiencing pain and discomfort but also for people wanting improvement in their basic functions or performance in sporting activities. Anybody can seek assessment for corrective exercises. All you have to do is go to the physiotherapy center of your choice and receive an assessment from a qualified physiotherapist. 

So whether the cause of your pain or imbalance is genetic, an injury, or simply the wrong running gait, corrective exercise may help you get rid of it. The good news is you do not have to wait for the pain to signal you to visit your physiotherapist. You can visit them any time, and they are more than happy to accommodate you.

Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash



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