Home Health 5 Ways A Healthy Diet Can Change How You Feel

5 Ways A Healthy Diet Can Change How You Feel

Have you ever asked someone why they were feeling the way they were? Maybe they were extremely depressed and just didn’t seem like themselves. The first thing that comes to some people’s minds is that this person needs to go see a doctor and perhaps get on some type of medication. Maybe they’re going through something really troubling and they just need to get a hold of themselves and be more positive. But why is it that nobody seems to think that they just need to change their diet? The reason is probably that everyone knows deep down that this is very difficult to do, and it’s not really that appealing. People want to hang on to their unhealthy, yet tasty foods, but they also want to be in a better mood more often and feel happier. While a person can certainly be in a good state of mind without eating right, science tells us that in order to improve the mind and have a better mood all around, a person needs to adopt a healthy eating style. If you’re still not convinced, here are five ways that eating right changes how a person feels.

1. Breakfast Can Change Your Life

To begin, you have to know about breakfast. There’s a reason why everyone thinks that this is the most important meal of the day. Experts will even tell you that it doesn’t matter that much of what you eat, just as long as you get something in your stomach in the morning because this gets your digestion moving, and it gives your body the hydrations and ingredients it needs after a long rest. Of course, you’ll want to eat healthier foods in the morning, in order to regain your energy for the day and feel more confident. If you have no time, try an easy supplement, such as green powder.

2. Consume Omega-3 for Depression

Eating foods that are rich in Omega-3 is great for battling mental issues such as depression and anxiety. These are common problems that a lot of Americans are facing, and they could be better solved by eating these kinds of foods, such as fatty fish and an assortment of nuts. Omega-3 moves fast to your brain and works with mood-regulating molecules.

3. Eat Smart Carbs

You might have heard that carbs are bad and that you should stay away from them. But carbs are actually part of a balanced diet. The problem is that there are good carbs and bad carbs. Healthy carbs help your body produce insulin, and when you have more insulin, a non-amino acid called tryptophan is better transported to the brain, which helps regulate mood. Again, think of smart carbs, such as fruit, vegetables, and whole grain.

4. Convert to a Mediterranean Diet for a Happier Life

Foods from a Mediterranean diet, such as healthy fats, red wine, fish, and nuts, promote a healthy lifestyle and have proven to be good against illnesses such as diabetes. However, an ingredient that is often found in the Mediterranean diet called folate has proven to be beneficial in battling mental issues, such as depression. This is precisely why this kind of diet is becoming more popular in the world, and why people who are choosing it are a lot happier.

5. Choose Selenium for Sleep and a Better Immune System

Foods that are rich in selenium are very important when talking about mood regulation. One main reason is that selenium is great for sleep. When a person doesn’t get the sleep they need, they won’t be in the best of moods the following day. It is also good for boosting the immune system and reducing stress. When your immune system is working well and battling illnesses, you’ll naturally be in a better mood.

As you can see, the science behind the food we put into our bodies tells us that it’s all linked to the brain. The more food you can get in you that promotes the brain and watches after your mental health, the more changes you’ll experience in your feelings. You’ll be on your way to a better mood in no time.

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash


  1. Salmon, spinach, brown rice, brocolli and peanuts, oatmeal for breakfast has literally uncluttered my mind. No longer feeling sluggish or having energy drops. I swear this keeps you productive!

  2. Your blog on how a healthy diet transforms well-being is truly enlightening. The insights you’ve shared offer a valuable guide for positive lifestyle changes. Thank you for the impactful content!


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