Home Humor 9 Conspiracy Theories That Will Keep You Up At Night

9 Conspiracy Theories That Will Keep You Up At Night


Whether they have any evidence at all to support them, conspiracy theories have long engaged the general public. I myself became aware of many conspiracy theories through popular YouTuber Shane Dawson’s examination of many conspiracy theories. Some conspiracy theories can be harmless, but others are more damaging, like Alex Jones’ theory that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax. This list will not be examining those theories. These conspiracy theories will make you question your everyday judgements, from subtle to psychologically thrilling.

Here are 9 of the most insane conspiracy theories that will make you paranoid AF:

1. Snapchat saves your photos and facial recognition to add them to a government database

Facebook sold private user information to the company Cambridge Analytica, so how off is this theory? This theory entertains the idea that Snapchat saves all of our photos and facial recognition to sell them to the government. Any actual evidence of this yet? Nope. But it’s not that far-fetched.

2. We are all in a simulation

While this has been proven wrong by scientists, Elon Musk put forth the theory that we are living in a simulation. In a real world, a musician like Grimes wouldn’t date Elon Musk – the CEO who does not allow his workers to unionize, right?

3. Bilderberg Group controls all Western political and economic events

Since 1954, the Bilderberg Group has met annually to discuss events and topics which are affecting politics and economics. This group functions under the Chatham House rule, which states that people in the meeting are not allowed to repeat what they discussed. I wonder what they have in mind for the next American Presidential Election.

4. Taylor Swift is the high priestess of the Church of Satan

One thing is for certain, the resemblance between Taylor Swift and Zeena Schreck, former high priestess of the Church of Satan, is uncanny. But could they be the same person? Tricia Gilbride sure thinks so.

“Schreck was high priestess of the Church of Satan from 1985-1990, which is very suspicious, because Taylor Swift talks a big game about being born in 1989,” Gilbridge said. Naming her smash hit album 1989 is clearly TayTay LaVey’s desperate attempt to emphasize that she had a normal human birth and was not cultivated in a cauldron and/or laboratory. The whole thing reeks of a coverup.”

5. Illuminati

Perhaps one of the greatest conspiracy theories of all: the Illuminati. The Illuminati is allegedly a group of people who possess special enlightenment or knowledge of something. The Illuminati allegedly have the ability to make certain events occur – and to cover others up. One current conspiracy theory about the Illuminati is that Beyonce is their Queen, which makes sense, as she is Queen Bey.

6. The Poltergeist Curse

The reason why some people believe the 1982 film Poltergeist is cursed is because of the high number of deaths of people who were attached to this film and its sequels. For example, actress Heather O’Rourke died of cardiac arrest at age 12, while actress Dominique Dunne was murdered by her then-boyfriend. Fact-checking website Snopes actually did not disprove this theory.

7. Justin Bieber is a reptile

Run, Hailey Baldwin, run. Some Australian fans claimed that they saw Justin Bieber transform into a reptile. While this far-fetched theory is probably not true, it sure is entertaining.

8. J.K. Rowling is not real

There is a theory out there that J.K. Rowling did not write the Harry Potter series – she is just an actress that a group of authors who wrote the series hired. To be honest, I wish the theory that she is actually Rita Skeeter would be more popular.

9. Pokemon Go is a government spy program

In an article for Gawker, Ashley Feinberg explained to her readers that Pokemon Go’s policy allows the app to access an extensive amount of information, so it wouldn’t be surprising if this app was actually a government spy program.

“Lots of apps have sketchy privacy policies, that’s nothing new. But the first set of alarms go off as soon as you realize that Pokémon Go’s policy does seem a bit more liberal than most, because not only are you giving Pokémon Go access to your location and camera, you’re also giving it full access to your Google account (assuming you use that to sign in).”

Beyonce is Queen, everything is a lie, and the government is watching you. Whether or not you think these theories are real – they’re at minimum very entertaining. But if you think they’re real, you may think twice before listening to Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber.

Featured image via Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

Originally published on Thought Catalog



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