Home College 11 Apps That Will Help You Thrive If You’re A Student

11 Apps That Will Help You Thrive If You’re A Student

If you’re tired of studying and want more time for yourself, you aren’t alone. College life can be very stressful and is not easy. Making time for your friends, sports, classes, and on top of that, for studying can be quite challenging.

There’s no need to despair. Nowadays, we have the technology available to us. I’ve gathered some apps that can help you stay on top of your work and have a social life as well. You find it hard to believe me? Test them!

1. iStudiez Pro

iStudiez Pro can help you catch up with daily tasks by organizing them properly and get in control of your homework assignments. It can also be used as a planner or grade-tracker. You can also calculate your GPA using iStudiez’ nicely-designed calculator.

2. Grammarly

You can’t make any grammar or spelling mistakes in college, can you? Not if you want good grades. University-level professors demand error-free high-quality papers. To get excellent outcomes, your writing should be flawless. That’s why you have Grammarly.

A sophisticated grammar checker, a contextual spell checker, an advanced punctuation checker, and a vocabulary enhancement tool, Grammarly will save you the trouble!

3. Scanner Mini

Students take photos of handouts, homework, essays, etc. all the time. So, what better way to save your documents than by using Scanner Mini? Since the app comes with numerous editing options, it makes your photos easier to read. For example, if you’re a fan of highlighting important text, you can do that by using the options it comes with.

4. SelfControl

If you’re spending more time than you should scrolling down on Facebook or Instagram, here’s an app that will change your life. SelfControl helps you avoid distractions in the way that it blocks certain apps for a specific amount of time. So, for instance, if you must study for your statistics exam for two hours, you can turn off Facebook and Instagram for that period of time and turn them on after.

5. Sleep If U Can

This awesome app helps you get out of the bed in the morning! Step one, set your alarm. Step two, go to sleep. Step three, open your eyes and walk to the sink to take a picture of it. Step four, enjoy the quietness.

You guessed right. Sleep If U Can won’t let you turn off the alarm unless you walk to the sink and take a picture of it.  Yes, I know that it might sound like a life-ruiner, but trust me, it’s more of a life-saver!

6. Microsoft Bing

If you’re studying another language, this is the perfect application for you. Microsoft Bing is an outstanding online translator that can translate between 60 languages or more. The software is AI-powered, and it employs the latest generation neural machine translation technologies.

7. TED

If you play Candy Crush or Angry Birds during your school breaks, here’s another option for you: download TED to feed your curiosities and expand your knowledge. The app features more than 3,000 videos on any topic! The speakers are remarkable, and there are subtitles available.

8. College Paper

Running your papers by a specialist before submitting them is not a bad idea, is it? College Paper is a valuable tool to use if you are not-so-confident about your writing skills, or if you simply want to check your spelling. The app features live chat, reasonable prices, excellent delivery options, and 24/7 student support.

9. The Oxford Dictionary

If you are an English major or want to work on your vocabulary , then download The Oxford Dictionary. Besides checking your spelling, you also get to learn new, impressive words, and thus, get better grades on papers for improving your vocabulary.

10. RefMe

One of the most popular citation tools worldwide, RefMe will help you turn the ultimate boringness into a fun process. To avoid plagiarism, use this app by choosing a source type and then continuing the online process. It’s a piece of cake, and it will help you avoid being a troublesome student.

11. Venmo

Venmo is a financial app that allows you to send money to your friends in a hot sec. –It takes the hassle out of carrying cash with you. You can simply pull out your phone, hit “Send money to (the friend who lent you cash)” and you’re all set! The best thing about Venmo is that the app is free.

For better grades, no spelling mistakes, sending money quickly, and many other fantastic college needs, try the above apps and see if they work for you.

Featured Image via Pexels



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