Home Latest Why Chrissy Metz From ‘This Is Us’ Is A Damn Champion

Why Chrissy Metz From ‘This Is Us’ Is A Damn Champion

I have a lot of celebrities I want to be best friends with… Whether it be the talent that they have that I’m insanely jealous of, a confidence that I admire, or they are this bad ass chick that I inspire to be, I find myself always looking at these people in the public eye for the sense of “girl power” that I need. I’m sure once I meet them in real life, that love for the person that I believe them to be could dissolve and that my admiration would be crushed, but I have a good feeling that Chrissy Metz is the real deal.

For those of you who aren’t sure who I’m talking about, Chrissy Metz is the sweet, kind-hearted Kate from This Is Us. Still not familiar? She was also in American Horror Story Freak Show. Still don’t know? It’s called Google. I know you will be like, “OH HER!” the moment you google her. Anyways, when I started reading Chrissy’s book this week, “This Is Me – Loving The Person That You Are Today,“ I was going into it thinking, “Okay this is just another biography… I don’t know much about this girl, but it’s Kate, so let’s give this a go…” Boy, did Kate Pearson prove me wrong!

Not only did Chrissy have a rough childhood, girlfriend has a story to tell and then some. From abuse from a family member to the own abuse she inflicted on herself, Chrissy is able to shed light on the darkest of situations that we can all sometimes find ourselves in and not sure how to figure out how to get out of. While she might have had a difficult upbringing, she didn’t let anything stop her from pursuing her dreams of becoming an actress or break her spirits in general. She easily could have gone down a wrong path, but instead, she chose to rise above.

The best part of this book to me was the advice that she had given. You don’t have to be a therapist to use your own experiences to speak the truth and learn from your own mistakes. Chrissy uses her past mistakes to shed some light on where she went wrong and how in the future you don’t have to do things the way that she did. From dating to fashion, her advice is very reasonable and easy going when it comes to living the best life that you can live.

It has been a long time since I have loved a book as much as I love This Is Me. It is raw and emotional, but it is also beautifully written and uplifting. Chrissy also talks about her tragic dating experiences which are hilarious that you can just enjoy a laugh at her expense, while also being able to relate to her in so many ways. In so many ways, after reading this I wish to be her best friend. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, but in the bigger picture, it will make you have hope and want to pursue your own goals.

Ginger Views: Don’t just get Chrissy Metz’s “This Is Me” from the library, buy a copy today! And then, buy nine more just in case you need a reference to something at the office, in the car, on vacation, in the kitchen, wherever the hell you may be! Then give it out as gifts to everyone you come in contact with. I haven’t read a book in a long time that has made me feel this inspired, not just to write, but to live the life that I want to live. Chrissy Metz is a damn champion and you need to read this book to learn how you can be a champion too!

Originally published on Ginger Views

Featured image via “CHRISSY METZ” by photo_grafitti is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0



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