Home Latest If You Like Murder Mysteries, You Need To Read These Books

If You Like Murder Mysteries, You Need To Read These Books

For my avid readers, you probably think I’m a serial killer. With all of the murder mysteries that I suggest you to watch or read, it is very suggestive that I might be plotting someone’s death. I don’t mean to be morbid or dark, that just seems to be the genre that sticks out most in my mind. Maybe because I don’t have a current love life to look forward to or find myself wanting to be in a galaxy far, far away, I find myself wanting to uncover some mysteries and feel satisfied with finding an ending to. With that being said, I think we need to discuss Gillian Flynn.

For those of you that aren’t familiar with this author, Gillian Flynn introduced the world to the crazy thriller Gone Girl. Please don’t judge the book by the movie. While i think there are some plot holes and a terrible ending when it comes to the story, the movie doesn’t do the book justice. I’m understanding that the movie would have been about three and a half hours long if they had put everything that was important in the book in the movie, but there were some necessary moments missing from the movie to get the full understanding of why this woman was so damn crazy and how twisted she was in the planning to take down her own husband. If you haven’t seen or read it already, I highly suggest it, because it sets the bar low for how great her writing really can be.

After you are done reading Gone Girl, add Dark Places and Sharp Objects to your list. These two books were written before Gone Girl, and in my own personal opinion, are much better. While Gone Girl is extremely dark and twisted in the story line, both of these books take murder mysteries to a whole other level of scary. Both are story lines that are really unheard of, unpredictable and constantly leave you guessing. Most murder mysteries I’m able to figure out pretty quickly, but both of these books had left me in shock and awe of who the real killer was. If anything, whenever someone asks me for a book suggestion, these two books are always my go to books, that is how memorable they are to me.

For all my non-readers out there, who like a murder mystery, but really would rather not invest that much time into it, Gillian Flynn wrote a book for you called The Grownup. What is intriguing about this story is that it is only sixty-three pages, yet it gives you a full story. It gives you all the twists and turns of your average murder mystery, but it is compact into one hour of reading. It is one of those great “what would you do?” kind of mysteries that will leave you wanting more and creating your own ending. And once again, even with fewer pages and a smaller storyline, it is still better than Gone Girl.

Ginger Views: Before you fully judge Gillian Flynn for Gone Girl, give her other books a try! She is a great author who knows how to write a good mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat and second-guessing yourself. It might leave you with a few nightmares or fear of your own family members, but it will definitely make you appreciate her writing so much more!

Originally published on Ginger Views

Featured image via aphrodite-from-nyc from new york city / CC BY



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