Home Latest The Workout That Made Me Fall In Love With Working Out

The Workout That Made Me Fall In Love With Working Out

There are plenty of times we wish to go back to our childhood days now that we are older. One main reason we all have mentioned is the fact we could eat whatever we wanted. It was so easy to be unhealthy when we were younger. Most of us played sports which helped keep us in shape and we all had those fast metabolisms to get rid of all the junk food we got into. Now that we are older and especially after post-college years, we are forced to start thinking healthier.

We all have goals to get back on the healthy lifestyle train. It’s hard to look back at photos from high school and realize you have to work extra hard to get back to that image of yourself. A lot of times we will start working out, we won’t see results right away, and we’ll give up because it’s frustrating. Myself included, struggled with getting into a routine I was happy with and that I thought was actually making me strong and healthy again. I started workouts and stopped them a couple weeks later. I became frustrated and sometimes even mad at myself for not putting more time and effort into becoming healthy again. However, there was one workout that finally changed everything for me.

T-25 by Shaun T changed my views on working out completely. Shaun T was also very well known for his Insanity workouts. I know what you’re thinking, Insanity was said to be ridiculous and way too hard to get through. That might be true in some cases but I encourage you to give T-25 a chance. T-25 is only a 25-minute workout each day. Yep, that’s all it takes, just 25 minutes. That means there are no excuses for being too busy to fit your workout in.

At first, you’re going to hate it. You might barely make it through without having to stop to catch a breath. Don’t let that discourage you from continuing through it. He includes a modifier in each workout so if his version gets to be too much, you can easily follow the modifier to finish the workout. He also provides a schedule of what workout to do each day along with a meal plan that can easily be found online. Everything is done for you all you need to do is put the 25 minutes in each day.

There were times that I started and stopped T-25 too. Until the day came that I was determined to get healthy again and I pushed through it. Not only did it take 4 weeks to start seeing results, it also starts to become addicting. If you can push through it for 4 weeks even if you need to stop occasionally or you need to follow the modifier, just get through 4 weeks straight. The combination of seeing results, waking up with more energy, and just overall feeling better about yourself will make you want to continue working out.

Working out shouldn’t be a chore each day. At first, it might seem that way because it’s hard to get back into it. Once you get so far though, it becomes part of your lifestyle. Unfortunately, getting older means having to take care of ourselves a lot more. In order to keep ourselves from more serious health issues later down the road, we need to face the challenges of becoming healthier now. T-25 is what got me started and I hope it’s something that can help all of you too.

Feature image via Pexels



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