Home Latest Everything You Need To Know About The World Of Tumblr Porn

Everything You Need To Know About The World Of Tumblr Porn

I run a well-known, incredibly popular Tumblr blog. And not the kind of Tumblr you see on Buzzfeed articles, not the funny ones, or the deep ones, or the ones focussed on photography. No, I run a porn Tumblr. One with about 15,000 followers. One with people who follow me because they like the porn I reblog and post. One with quite a few pages of gifs and photographs and text posts that focus solely on sex.

I’ve learned a lot these past few years running my blog. I’ve learned a lot about people, sex, the world of porn, and the world in general. It’s nice – expanding my horizons like this. Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way.

We are all incredibly different people.

My followers, the people I follow, and I are all so different. We are from all walks of life, from different places, with different careers and passions and loves. Not only do we have different (or sometimes similar) sexual preferences, we all have different interests in life too.

There is a porn blog for any of your interests.

There are so many sides of Tumblr porn that even I haven’t explored yet. If you’re into BDSM, there are blogs for that. You want lesbian sex? We’ve got it. Cowboys wandering their farms in the nude? Yep, it’s there. You want to have gentle loving sex with your partner? Oh, there’s that too. You want to call your partner Daddy during sex and be spanked by him? There’s people, resources, GIFs, and text posts for that.

We’re not all sexual deviants or perverts.

Okay, so there are a few (okay a lot) of people on Tumblr just looking for someone to sext with them to get them off. But honestly, I know a lot of great people from Tumblr. They’re nice and funny, they live respectable lives, and they actively want to get to know their followers and people they follow too. I know someone from London, and he is someone I would call a friend. I don’t personally know him, but he’s always there to talk if I need someone. 

We don’t just exchange nudes all day.

Like I said, the majority of us are using our blogs to explore our lives sexually. We aren’t actively trying to get someone to get us off. Most people do post nudes, some don’t. Some of them like getting validated by their followers, some like sharing their body to their followers, and some just want us to see their new lingerie. Personally, if I’m posting a nude, it’s because I’m feeling confident in my body (moments that are few and far between) and I want to share that confidence. But it doesn’t matter. Most of the time, a nude is for the poster, and no one else.

No one is judging anyone on Tumblr.

After describing everything the porn side of Tumblr provides, some of you might still be skeptical. But that’s what is so wonderful about my blog and everyone else’s. No one is judging you. No one is going to dismiss you for a certain kink you may have, no one is going to turn you away if you are looking into different lifestyles, absolutely no one is going to think it’s gross or disgusting or weird to like what you like. We’re accepting and loving and kind people.

My blog has given me a way to explore different things sexually. I know a whole lot more about my sexuality, and myself as a person, than I did before I started this blog. Yes, I know that I’m also a few years older and wiser at this point, but I also feel that my Tumblr has allowed me to discover things about myself that I never would have without it. This is a life, and a blog, that I want to continue living, whether or not I ever experience it in real life.

Featured image via Victoria Borodinova on Pixabay



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