Home Health 10 Ways I Kick Fibromyalgia’s Ass Every Day

10 Ways I Kick Fibromyalgia’s Ass Every Day

Let me start by saying I am not a doctor. I do not have a medical degree, I will never pursue a job in the medical industry, and I am not an expert into anything medical related. All I know is that I have fibromyalgia and I would like to share with the world what I have learned about managing the disease. This is my journey, my pain, and my hope that I can help someone out there with the same problem that I have.

When I was 19 years old, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The WebMD definition: Fibromyalgia syndrome affects the muscles and soft tissue. Symptoms include chronic muscle pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, morning stiffness, “brain fog”, sleep problems, and painful tender points or trigger points.

At 19, I was angry, I was annoyed, but most of all, I was afraid.

I didn’t want to deal with this. I didn’t want to be on medication with ingredients I couldn’t pronounce & symptoms that make you feel like death is a better option. I didn’t know what this meant for my future.

Every symptom listed I have suffered through, but through trial and error over the past ten years, I have finally found a way of living that works for me. No denying what I have, no medication needed, and no more excuses. What I needed was to face this problem head on & that is what I have done. Most of these tips anyone can use if they’re looking to find a healthier way of living, they just have to get the ball rolling!

This is how I am kicking fibromyalgia’’s ass:

  • 8 hours of sleep – Everyday, no matter what. Sleep is necessary for everyone, but more so for people with fibro. A good night’s sleep will help the body to recover and help with the brain fog in the morning hours. Make sleep a priority!
  • Wake up every day & thank your lucky stars you are still here. Positive thinking. Morning, noon, and night. Just be grateful for the life that you have. It may not be the most ideal, but there are people out there who are doing and feeling a lot worse than you. Stay positive.
  • Limit your caffeine intake. A cup of coffee in the morning, green tea in the afternoon, and that is it. The brain fog will be worse if you have too much and it will screw up your sleep cycle, making you more tired. Limit how much you take in.
  • Water. Water. Water. Along the lines of caffeine, limit the amount of soda you drink. When I was diagnosed, I gave up drinking it. Not only did it help me to drop some weight, I noticed a world of difference in my body by not taking in so much sugar. Stay hydrated with water.
  • Watch what you eat! The healthier you eat, the better you will feel. Start with little things; Add some more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Work towards limiting the amount of salt you intake. Eat smaller portions more frequently. You will notice that little changes like these will make a world of difference with how you feel.
  • Put down the bottle. You can’t drink like you used to. You may wake up feeling hung over every single day and think, “Might as well just get drunk everyday if I am going to feel this way anyways!” Not only will alcohol make your symptoms worse, it just makes the depression and anxiety more apparent. A beverage here and there is okay, just don’t overdo it.
  • GET UP & MOVE. Sitting on the couch in front of the TV is not an option anymore. Get up and take a walk with your dog. Go outside and start gardening. Join a gym, participate in athletic events in your city, go shopping. Just do something that involves you getting off of your butt!
  • Yoga. This is one of the best things you could ever do for your fibro body. Not only will it help with the muscle pain, it helps to control stress, anxiety, and brain clarity. You will be amazed at the way your body and mind feel after doing yoga. Your fibro body won’t regret it!
  • Vitamins. I look like a 75-year-old lady with all my vitamins in my pill container, but it works. Everything from a multi-vitamin, Vitamin C (prevents common cold and is good for muscles), Primrose Evening Oil (helps with joint pain), Turmeric (helps with joint pain and IBS issues), B12 (helps with energy), to Folic Acid (muscle/joint pain). Slowly test out some of these vitamins to see what agrees with your body and see what helps you.
  • Take it one day at a time. Every day is a challenge when you have fibro or any other muscle condition. Taking each day one day at a time makes the battle a little easier. You are blessed to have the life you are given. If you couldn’t handle it, it wouldn’t have been given to you. Just take everything step by step & it will all come together.

These ten steps have helped me the past ten years to feel like a completely different person. I am not just another person batting fibromyalgia, I am a person who is winning the battle. Again, I am not a doctor. If a doctor is telling you to seek medication, by all means, they are the one with a degree and know you better than I do. I know my body and I know what has helped me for the past ten years. Hopefully it can work for you too.

Featured image via Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash


  1. Love this positive write up. Firbo is hard, but everyday I’m happy I’m not dying. Things could always be worse! I literally follow every step the same as you. Quite spooky actually. Lol! The only thing I do differently is take cbd oil. I was only diagnosed March 2017…..but I soon realised the meds from the dr’s where not for me. Awful awful things! Natural remedies are the way forward. Good luck with the rest of your journey.

  2. Just came across this. You are an inspiration!! Thank you. No meds for me. The pain is horrid and I do SOME of the things you do. Tomorrow, I will start doing ALL the things you do. Hope you’re still happy and healthy. Thank you!!


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