Home Humor 9 Reasons Having A Husband Is Just Like Having A Child

9 Reasons Having A Husband Is Just Like Having A Child

Your wedding day was probably everything you ever imagined it would be: White dress, fresh flowers, wonderful groom, while surrounded by your family and friends. You were on top of the world and felt like nothing could surprise you…until a few months later when you realized in all reality, you actually adopted a child. Marriage is nothing like you would ever expect and most days you feel like a babysitter rather than a team with a united front. With that said, here are 8 things that husbands and children have in common:

1. You Can Never Shop Together

You go to the store for one thing, and get dragged across the store looking at literally everything else. They have no clue what it’s like to be “in and out” of a store. That is if they aren’t complaining the entire time. Unless it’s sock shopping, but that’s about it.

2. They Never Wake Up On Time

Trying to get them up for work or out of bed to actually do something on the weekend is always near impossible. They toss and turn while screaming and shouting because the last thing they want to do is get out of bed. Which means your Instagram worthy brunch isn’t going to happen anytime soon.

3. They Never Clean Up After Themselves

They leave clothes, food, dishes, electronics and everything else that they touch anywhere but where it is actually supposed to be. Trying to keep the house clean lasts for a whole 5 minutes before something is a complete mess again.

4. You Are Always Repeating Yourself

You might as well be a broken record. You constantly have to remind them to do the one thing you asked them to do months ago. Then they get angry when you remind them to do something because they “already know” it has to be done. Then they get angrier when you finally break and pay for it get done. It’s honestly a vicious cycle.

5. They Complain All The Time

They whine constantly. About everything. Trying to get something done that they don’t want to do is almost impossible. You might as well do it yourself to save yourself the struggle.

7. They Are The Worst Picky Eaters

Eating over at a friend’s house is just as difficult, especially when you don’t have an idea on what they are making for food. You swear they only eat the same 5 foods everyday, and if that’s not what is on the menu you should just forget it was even mentioned.

8. They Need To Be Coddled When Sick

We all know what the “man cold” is, but it is sad that when a woman gets sick, she can take care of a child, clean the house, cook dinner and do everything else they do on a normal day while on their period with little to no complaints but if a man get’s sick they act like they are dying.

9. You Have To Acknowledge Their Every Move

Everything they do right needs to be praised. If not, they don’t feel appreciated and loved then get upset. They need to know that someone is proud of them and that their efforts are appreciated in order to continue doing something that they are supposed to. Just be ready to post a note with a smiley face on the fridge for their childlike mindset whenever they finally accomplish one of their long-awaited chores.

This is the unfortunate reality to so many married couples. Marriage, like motherhood, has its ups and downs, but the reason why you stay is because you truly love the person you are with. Also, it causes more problems than it’s worth if they suddenly went “missing”. All jokes aside, while your husband may act like a child, in a reality he is a full-grown man who can learn to function on his own. So maybe it’s time to stop letting your husband act like a child. Make him grow up and act like an adult! Maybe that will stop the whining for 2 seconds… Or maybe not. Also remember to keep popsicles hidden, just in case he throws another ManTrum.

Featured image via Amina Filkins on Pexels


  1. Run while you still can! I think most of us just wanted the fancy wedding and party and everything that went along with it and were blindly mislead by our church that marriage was the next big step to success in life. When actually it’s like you’re stuck tending to someone’s grown child. The first few years are great. You’re madly in love you think you are atleast. Then reality sinks in and you realize now you’re stuck with this total loser. You don’t want the drama that comes with divorce so you just stay and try and make the best of it but deep down inside you’re crying and just want to be set free from it all. Learn from my mistake and wait. Wait and make sure you know each other years upon years before you get married. Make sure you’ve achieved all your dreams and hopes and desires.


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