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I Listen To The Same Playlist Every Day After Work And Here’s Why

A typical workday can include too much sitting, not enough laughter, and a LOT of focus. Some days you barely have enough time to have lunch, or you forget to go to the bathroom, or you can’t just have that moment where you focus back to what is important: you. 

That’s why the first half hour after work is so crucial to your well-being. In this time, you can be feeling loopy, unsettled, and tightly wound. You are still carrying the stress and worries from the day. It is so important to unwind, take a breather, and let go of some of that stress. What better avenue to unwind other than music? Music can have such a large impact on our mood, our brains, and can truly bring us back to life. My after work playlist is my key to relaxing and here’s why:

Music Is Therapy 

I use the individual songs to cater to my needs. I listen to soothing music and sweet melodies when I need to release some anxiety from my body. I listen to upbeat tracks when I need to re-energize and smile. These are proven ways to seek some therapeutic results, and there are actually programs in place in America that demonstrate music AS therapy, and use it to develop and strengthen cognitive abilities in individuals, like the American Music Therapy Association. I might be self-diagnosing, but I’m pretty sure I know how Justin Timberlake’s voice makes me feel after a long hard day: GREAT.

You Can’t Deny Science 

As we listen to a song we like, there is a release of “happy hormones” (dopamine and serotonin) that enter our brain with positive emotion and enhancement. This can actually be so strong that it leads to a “tingle” or a “shiver” when we listen to that great song we like. It can sometimes even feel like a wave coming over you of pure bliss. I don’t know about you, but I can already feel my muscles relaxing to some Kygo beats!

Music Sparks Inspiration 

Ever have a song completely take you somewhere else? Whether it’s the song you listened to endlessly on spring break, or the ballad your mom always played in the car when you were a kid? These memories that are invoked and played with as a result of music can truly be inspiring – and might even spark a new idea, whether that be at work, revisiting a hobby, or make you think of an activity you must plan soon.

With that, let’s listen to some tunes to spark some positive vibes and keep the mood light for your after-work drive home:

With the nice weather upon us, it would be properly prescribed to listen to this playlist with your windows down, the wind whipping through your hair and possible an iced coffee in hand. Your workday even is already looking a bit more bright…Relax, unwind and enjoy!

Featured image via Siddharth Bhogra on Unsplash


  1. I love music especially Rogue, that’s why I listen to this type of music every day because it helps calm my nerves down. I agree with you that aside from being therapeutic, music can also spark new ideas. Speaking of which, I’m wondering where could I find a store that sells an album which consists of Rogue music.


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