Home Latest #ReasonsHumansWillGoExtinct Is Trending And The Answers Are Hilarious

#ReasonsHumansWillGoExtinct Is Trending And The Answers Are Hilarious

Twitter hashtags have become a norm to either trend something, sound off on your opinions, or find the latest news. In today’s case, it’s humans listing reasons why our race will go extinct. While there are some hilarious reasons being listed why humans will go extinct, there are also some that will make you think and consider everything going on in the world. Here are the top ten tweets of #ReasonsHumansWillGoExtinct (so far!):

  1. Ya…#MillenialProblems
  2. Did you know that if we killed each other at the rate we kill animals, humans would be extinct in roughly 17 days?https://twitter.com/peta2/status/717361487841374208
  3. Snapchat is key.
  4. I can see this…pretty sure that Siri low-key hates everyone anyways.
  5. I mean…this is likely.
  6. Did you really go out if you didn’t tag, check in, or Instagram a photo of it?
  7. No explanation necessary.
  8. Let’s be real…any of these options are viable options on why we will go extinct.
  9. No big, as long as my phone is with me – I’ll survive * unless you steal my charger.
  10. Basically.

While it may be a joke, the hashtag should be a reminder to people that the earth is our only home, and we need to take care of it so that we are able to survive forever (hopefully). Not all of us have money to jump in a spaceship and run away to Mars when the going gets tough. Side note, humans becoming extinct means that I can just give up and watch Netflix forever right? Sound off in the comments below on why you think humans will eventually become extinct.

Featured image via Sebastian Dooris / CC0 



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