Home College 5 Thoughts Every College Student Has On The Walk To Class

5 Thoughts Every College Student Has On The Walk To Class

Walking across campus on your way to class is truly an experience like no other –you’re headed towards at least one agonizing hour of being talked at about a subject you may or (most likely) may not like. Actually, it doesn’t matter if you like it, because lectures still make your brain feel like it’s melting. This trek is usually at some ungodly hour like 8:00 am, and often you unknowingly walk right into the middle of a dance battle. The possibilities are endless, but you definitely are thinking about anything except your destination.

1. “I seriously do not understand how anyone functions properly at this hour.” This thought comes to me whenever I’m asked to use my brain for more than simple tasks (like brushing my teeth) before the clock hits 9:00 am. It will never be okay to ask me about Plato’s cave after having woken up a mere 30 minutes ago.

2. “I wish I could comfortably read while lying on the grass like that very chill guy over there.” Before becoming a college student, the act of studying while lying out in the sun is often associated with the idea of going to school. But it’s NEVER that cool – you get dirt on your pants, the ground is not the least bit comfortable and there are bugs everywhere. Notes fly away and textbooks are hard to see under the glare of the sun. The secret of studying outside and looking cool has yet to be discovered.

3. “I have so much to do.” No seriously though, there’s something about passing by the buildings on campus that is an instant reminder of the three papers, two assignments and upcoming test on the calendar of life. Sometimes it feels like even Iggy Azalea in your ears on full volume can’t get rid of perma-to-do list.

4. “I hope I’m early enough to get my seat.” I don’t care what year you’re in, or if you’re headed to a lecture of 200 people, you have a “seat.” And if not a seat, you have a section of preference. It gets just the right acoustics, you can doze off for a couple of minutes without your prof noticing and there’s enough leg space to really get comfy.

5. “This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life.” Though appreciation for the beauty of campus comes in waves (usually not during exams), university campuses are used for everything from weddings to shooting movies to world leader summits. The design of any campus is intricate and purposeful: the hundred-year-old trees and rolling hills against a city skyline would make any student’s jaw drop. Make sure to ditch the stress for a couple of minutes when you walk across campus and really appreciate where you are before you graduate.

The next time you are headed to class, try bringing an apple for a (natural) caffeine boost, and leave your headphones at home. You never know what new thoughts could come up!

Featured image via Charley Litchfield on Unsplash



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