What Every Woman Should Strive To Be

“That’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” In Fitzgerald’s classic novel...

15 Unique Characteristics That All Strong Women Possess

Every girl wants to become a strong woman, and every man wants to date one. But what really makes...

What It’s Really Like Being A Virgin In Your 20s

I don’t know any of you readers out there or what your story may be, but here’s a glimpse...

Why The True ‘Perfect Girls’ Aren’t The Runway Models

The anatomy of society’s “perfect girl” is quite simple. She’s unbelievably gaunt, with sunken eyes and hollow cheekbones. Her...

5 Essentials Every Girl Needs In Her Life This Winter

As the wind becomes brisk and the leaves fall from the trees, we begin to switch our gears to...

What The Girl Who Is ‘Too Nice’ Wants You To Know

I have a big heart and the ability to take your worst day and make it your best. I...

A Wake Up Call To All Girls Who Have Forgotten What ‘Romantic’ Means

What ever happened to the concept of dating? Is chivalry so far gone that the only way to court...

I Tried The Billie Razor And It Changed My Shaving Experience

I finally did it. I clicked on the Facebook ad that has been on my news feed for what...

17 Simple Things That Every Woman Wants From Her Man

What do women want? If you try googling it, do you know what you come up with? Pages and...

Don’t Be Jealous: Why Big Boobs Are A Huge Pain In The A$$

Big boobs are nothing to be envious of. For as long as I can remember, people have talked about my...

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