This Is The Worst Text Your Ex Could Ever Send You

I’ve got a real problem happening here, you guys. Do you want to know what annoys me more than seeing...

7 Thoughts You Have When Your Boyfriend Takes Longer Than You To Get Ready

I like to consider myself a pretty low-maintenance individual. Gone are the days that I wake up hours before...

The World’s Not Ending: 15 Things Worse Than Your Period

There’s no reason to beat around the bush (pun intended); I hate my period, and I know I’m not...

Let It Grow: 7 Reasons To Stop Shaving Your Legs

Everyone knows that November is the best month of the year. Why? Because No Shave November, that’s why. Nothing...

10 Childhood Movie Scenes We’re Shocked Didn’t Result In Therapy

We all remember at least one Disney or Pixar classic film that terrified us as children, or may even...

20 Things In Your Life That Are Worse Than Being Single

It’s probably the easiest thing in the world to do when you get together with your single friends - complain about...

10 Signs You’ve Become a Crazy Cat Lady

It’s time to reclaim the phrase “cat lady.” I have two black cats that keep me company and give...

5 Stupid Things All Siblings Fought About As Kids

Growing up in a household of four children (myself being the third one), I applaud my parents for being...

What Your Choice In Alcohol Says About The Type Of Men You Like

I am currently young, kind of single-ish and living the dream, but lord knows if my boyfriend was an...

How You Spent Your Summer As Told By Cat Gifs

Another summer has come and gone, but I’m thinking despite the few pictures of you rocking your new swimsuit...

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