20 Things That Make 90s Kids Feel Old

With my 20th birthday in the near future, I’m really starting to feel the pressure that accompanies a second...

19 Ridiculous Excuses That Will Get You Out Of Any Social Event

I have a perpetual problem where I enthusiastically agree to attend parties or events, and then on the day...

‘I Felt That’: 17 Times Twitter Users Showed Us How Relatable We All Are

Social media is one of the best ways for the youth of today to realize that they are in...

15 Signs DW From ‘Arthur’ Is Actually Your Spirit Animal

One of the latest trends on Twitter these days is Arthur memes. As if the one TV show that...

Don’t Make Your Mistakes Permanent: 5 Tattoo Types To Avoid

Tattoos are a personal thing. From marking moments in time to telling incredible stories, such a small amount of...

10 Childhood Movie Scenes We’re Shocked Didn’t Result In Therapy

We all remember at least one Disney or Pixar classic film that terrified us as children, or may even...

Proof That Cosmo Has the Dumbest Flirting Tips Ever

Alright, how many times has this happened to you?  You’re at a bar—or a house party, or a frat...

12 Things Only Coffee Lovers Will Understand

Everyone knows that coffee is a delicious and energizing beverage that many Americans drink daily. But any coffee lover...

Why You Don’t Meet Guys In Clubs: The Creepiest Texting Encounter Ever

*All names in this article have been changed. Look, I'm not stupid.  I don't go to clubs expecting to find...

Please Stop Immediately: 9 Sexual Things Guys Do That Are Huge Turn Offs For Girls

The other day I got thinking about how much stuff is actually out there in the world that we...

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