Over the past few years, I’ve noticed how people can drain my energy.
People come in and out of my life as they please. I’ve noticed that I’m often the “last resort” friend people turn to when there’s no one to speak to or hang out with.
And I accepted for a while. But after some time, it occurred to me how wrong it was.
I’m a damn good person, and I’m a hell of a friend; once you have me in your corner, I’ll be there for life.
But I am over one-sided friendships and relationships. This can be with anyone — a friend, a coworker, or a family member. I am so done with people treating me like an option in their lives.
Unanswered texts, canceled plans, and “sorry, I can’t make it” messages.
It’s one thing to do it when you have to. And I get it. I’m a very understanding person. I know that things happen.
But it sucks when I’m expected to make every plan and initiate every text. And it’s even more aggravating when I see people do it for the other relationships in their lives but not for me.
I used to get pissed off and take it personally. Sometimes, I still do, but then I realized I don’t have to keep anyone in my life I don’t want.
It doesn’t matter who you are, or how long I’ve known you. If your presence in my life brings me more anxiety than peace, bye, you’re out of here.
And that’s it.
I’m done letting people barely around put so much draining energy into my life.
You didn’t answer that text? Oh well.
You canceled our lunch plans? Fine.
You can’t make our plans that we rescheduled for you three times already?
Man, what a shame.
Sure, I might seem uninterested, but you’ve acted like that this entire time. How does it feel to be on the receiving end of the treatment?
It sucks, doesn’t it?
Perhaps now you can take some time to reevaluate how you treat the people in your life. You can realize that your actions matter and how you treat others says a lot about you.
I’m not saying that people do it deliberately.
But holy shit does that sting when it happens.
So, be mindful of how you treat others. Because after a while, we get sick of it.
Featured image via Elina Fairytale on Pexels