Home Dating 4 Tips For Online Dating With Chronic Illness

4 Tips For Online Dating With Chronic Illness


Online dating is the most common way for millennials to meet people and make connections. But do you know the consequences of swiping left or right when living with chronic illness

When you live with chronic illness, it becomes harder to meet people online. You worry about putting yourself out there. You may feel the need to hide your illness from potential partners, which can lead to feelings of guilt. Additionally, you may be unsure of how to bring up your illness. These fears can prevent you from finding meaningful connections.    

If you’re looking to date online and live with chronic illness, here are some tips to help you find the perfect partner: 

1. Be your authentic self.

You may find this difficult, but if you show your true, authentic self on your profile, there will be nothing to hide, which makes the dating process much easier and less stressful. This will also help you to attract people who like you for who you really are. As an added bonus, you’ll save yourself from having to explain yourself later on in the relationship. 

2. Post photos of the equipment you use. 

If you use any equipment to aid with your chronic illness, post them online so your date knows exactly what they are getting into. This might be difficult for some, but for me, it’s the best option. This way, my matches can see what I’m getting into by taking a picture of me in my wheelchair.

3. Be patient. 

As nerve-racking as it is to put yourself out there, be patient with your partner if they have any questions about your chronic illness. In the same way that it’s nerve-racking for you to put yourself out there, it’s nerve-racking for them if they have no idea what it’s like to have a chronic illness.

4. Discuss topics besides your chronic illness. 

Ensure that once the disability discussion is over, you discuss your hobbies and interests in careers. You’re more than your disability, and your partner wants to know about your passions and life goals. Find ways to talk about yourself that don’t involve your illness. Share stories and experiences that show who you are as a person. Ask your match questions about themselves to show your interest to learn more about them.

When you have a chronic illness, online dating can be challenging. Sometimes you face more rejection than matches, but you just have to embrace the process and understand that everything happens when it happens. Be honest and open with your potential partner, but don’t let your illness define you. And lastly, remember that your illness doesn’t define you; you are more than your illness.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash



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