Why I’m Sending Happy New Year’s Cards (And You Should, Too)

As the holiday hustle and bustle sets into high gear, it’s easy to get lost in the mix of things. Everyone usually sends Christmas cards and takes this as an opportunity to bring everyone up to speed on their life. Unfortunately, as people receive so many cards in addition to attending the many events and completing the tasks they wish to, the intention of these cards gets lost. So, sending New Year’s cards is a way to solve this and set positive intentions for the New Year.

Everyone knows New Year’s Eve is when people lay out their goals for the upcoming year. So, it would be a nice change of pace to send everyone a card wishing them the best for the New Year. In addition, these cards are less likely to be lost in the mix and can be a breath of fresh air to start their year with a promising start. People are more likely to achieve their goals and feel better about doing so when they know someone is cheering them on.

New Year’s cards don’t need to be anything ornate. They can be handmade and handwritten, and they will have just as much charm. (Pinterest has a ton of super cute and easy ideas!) 

The joy will come from receiving something as a symbol of somebody else thinking of them. Also, maybe if you jot your goal for the year down as well and ask them to share theirs, you’ll find a new accountability partner. This will allow for continued conversation as well as a connection throughout the year.

An added bonus of sending New Year’s cards is giving yourself the gift of time. Waiting until Christmas, Hanukkah, and any other celebrations pass allows you to take your time, be intentional with your message, and relieve some pressure off of yourself and your to-do list.

What should the message on your card be? Something sweet and intentional can go a long way. When you write the cards yourself, they have a more intimate and personalized feel as well. Pic Monkey had these ideas:

  • New year, new plans, new memories to be made. Wishing you all the best for the year ahead.
  • May your year be filled with happiness, health, joy, and love.
  • Hoping that all you wish for comes true in the New Year.
  • Thanks for being such an important part of my life. Happy New Year!

We hope 2023 is the year you crush all of your goals, optimize your health and well-being, and find time for deeper connections and relationships. Do you have anything you aspire to do in the new year? Or do you have any ways you like to connect with others to wish them well? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured image via Olia Danilevich on Pexels


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