Home Health 5 Things You Didn’t Know Are Making Your Sleep Worse At Night

5 Things You Didn’t Know Are Making Your Sleep Worse At Night


If you just  can’t get a good night’s sleep, you likely feel frustrated and sad. Well, don’t worry any longer because I’m here to help you out! Before you settle into bed at night, check to see if these five things are disrupting your beauty rest.

1. Alcohol Intake

Even though many people enjoy a nice glass of wine after work, very few know that alcohol intake can significantly affect the quality of your sleep… and not in a good way. Although consuming alcohol helps you fall asleep more quickly, it frequently disrupts your sleep in the second half of the night. Whether you realize it or not, that poor sleep quality is slowly killing you. So skip that glass of wine or beer with dinner, and you’ll notice a major difference in your sleep!

2. Inappropriate Bedding

Everyone knows that a bad mattress can be detrimental to your sleep quality and overall health,  but did you know that certain bedding fabrics can also negatively impact your sleep? When you compare sheets and bedding, look for natural fibers like cotton or wool. Cotton is soft, breathable, easy to maintain, and durable. In the winter time, down quilts made from real wool make  great insulators that wick away moisture. Regardless of what season it is, skip synthetic polyester or nylon bedding.

3. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is one of the leading medical causes of poor sleep. This serious sleep disorder causes people to repeatedly stop breathing throughout the night. Furthermore, people with sleep apnea often snore loudly, feel tired after a good night’s sleep, and experience headaches. If you think that you’re battling sleep apnea, see a doctor right away.

4. Caffeine Intake

Caffeine intake is another common cause of sleep interruptions. After all, caffeine stimulates the brain, which helps you stay alert and concentrate. Therefore, you should stay away from caffeine before bedtime. In fact, you should probably drink your last cup after lunch so that it completely leaves your body by the time you climb into bed. 

5. Your Daily Worries

Last but certainly not least, your daily worries can also  interrupt your sleep. Stress negatively affects every aspect of your life more than you can even imagine – and it often starts with bad sleep quality. If worries plague you every time your head hits the pillow, try some natural remedies, like lavender. 

Obviously there are so many things that can disrupt your sleep. However, these five are the most common causes of bad sleep, so think about which ones might impact you at night. Cheers to better rest!

Featured Photo via Pexels.



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