Home Dating 15 Things Guys Don’t Appreciate About You Now, But Will In 10...

15 Things Guys Don’t Appreciate About You Now, But Will In 10 Years


As women when it comes to dating there are many things that we view as unattractive about ourselves. Or, personality traits we see as valuable that are failed to be recognized or appreciated regardless of how beneficial we believe they are. It can be disheartening when it feels like no one will ever value who we are or accept us. The truth is, men are still maturing and really aren’t aware of everything we have to offer.

Here are 15 things we may have now that men will definitely appreciate in the next 10 years.

1: Having your life together.

While we may still be falling into place now, we certainly are usually more ahead than they are. They’ll love that a woman has a job she’s passionate about, can plan things accordingly, and knows her worth.

2: Ambition

Guys might be intimidated by our ambition now, but in a few years they’ll admire this quality. And ladies be thankful because it shows that you know how to work hard. As well as get what you want while being able to do it with no outside motivation.

3: Showing interest

They might like to play games now, but when you’re able to be vulnerable and show interest, they’ll love that no bs confidence. Plus it shows you aren’t interested in wasting someones time.

4: A good sense of fashion

They might roll their eyes when you go shopping now or see your online shopping addiction and closet. But someone who looks well put together, looks accomplished, and gives a good impression to other people.

5: Emotional awareness within yourself

If you can identify that you were a little crazy and out of line during an argument or speak up when you feel uncomfortable or unheard—they’ll love that you can communicate how you’re feeling and are trying to change it.

6: Your body type

You might think most men only want a certain type now, but they always get to a point where they fall in love with a personality more than looks. In fact, they’ll love all your body imperfections from the crinkles by your eyes or your stretch marks.

7: Small boobs

Like with your curves, there’s a misconception you have to have big boobs to be considered attractive. Truth is, they all love perky boobs and rather you not have a super padded bra.

8: Penny pinching habits

They might tease you about being cheap or trying to save money. But when your relationship gets serious enough to where your finances affect each others, they’ll adore and be thankful for your ability to save and allocate money.

9: Kindness

The mean women they loved before were usually just hot. Once they recognize that a vast majority of them have ugly personalities, the more they’ll value a woman’s kindness.

10: Independence

The ability to do things alone is very attractive because men will see that you will be fine if you don’t have them around to depend or rely on. Plus it shows your a boss babe.

11: Strong women

Whether it’s a muscular woman who can kick ass at the gym or a woman who is strong mentally, they love strength! It shows they have will power, motivation to succeed, and drive that will force them to get to their end goal.

12: Body Hair

You may hate the fact you have hairy armpits or have to shave your legs every day, but body hair isn’t as important when deep in a relationship as you think. Heck, they won’t even notice it after a while and if they do, they just get used to it because it’s part of who you are.

13: Glasses

You might have felt nerdy for having to wear glasses, but over time glasses have a sophisticatedly sexy reputation that most guys can’t resist.

14: Predictability

Maybe you’re a typical and predictable woman, but they’ll love that certainty and will appreciate it because they will know  what you like or how you schedule your day.

15: Ability to Plan

They may hate how you need to plan your dates a week in advanced, but soon enough they’ll thankful. After all it means you’re prioritizing and trying to accomodate to them the best you can. And it’s always a bonus when it means you’ll be able to schedule in some time for relaxation too.

You might feel that these traits are frowned upon flaws because of comments men in your past have made. But this is not the case whatsoever! Truthfully, they’re just too immature right now to realize that these things about you are actually an added bonus of what makes you so great. Plus by accepting these things it only shows that you are confident in yourself and proud of who you are.

Featured image via Cristian Newman on Unsplash


  1. After reading your articles, i am wondering if you will cover the topic, “Why women take advantage of good men.” I ask because I have found that most of the women that I have met start acting like they can just use and abuse me. What is it about the man that makes/leads a woman to believe that she can just walk all over them?
    By the way, being in a relationship does make for a greater life. I agree with you that it does feel awesome when the relationship is mature.

    • Hi Gary, I think this is an awesome topic suggestion and I would love to try and tackle this subject. I agree with some women’s entitlement when in relationships and will definitely be diving further into this for you.
      Thank you so much for your feedback!


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