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5 Signs You Might Be Wasting Your Potential

1.You’re not at the top of your game. Have you ever tried your best to accomplish something at work to impress your superiors and colleagues yet things seem difficult and unfulfilling?

Well, you might be on the wrong path. You know you belong in the right place when complex things seem easy to perform and there is a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day. Maybe, it’s about time that you re-assess yourself, switch gears, and take the risks. These are challenging because you have to start again, and self-doubt consumes you before you could execute the first steps. Likewise, the people closest to you discourage you and some people you meet along the way try to dim your flame.

These are things that you need to deal on your own. It’s your duty to fight the monsters that are holding you back. You should be your own power source, you should be your own light. It’s better to try your luck now than regret later in your life. Remember, youth is not always around the corner. And some opportunities don’t come day by day.

2. You’re questioning everything. Have you ever gone to a place, say a hotel or an amusement park, where its architectural designs and friendly employees bothered you for no reason? And even the people who motioned in that particular area irritated you?

If those happen to you in random places, it could also happen at work or at home. And this is not a tolerable situation because you are inviting people to dislike you. Worse, you are creating distance between you and your loved ones.

While you haven’t fully pressed the button yet, re-evaluate things immediately before the bomb explodes and ruins your reputation and precious relationships.

3. You’re prone to self-destruction. Have you ever had a day when every word that came out of your mouth seemed to offend people unintentionally? Or haven’t done anything wrong yet people found your actions inevitably exasperating?

Well, maybe, they could sense the negative energy around you. And it’s not also healthy for them. Many people who self-sabotage don’t even realize they’re doing it. It can stem from some factors like frustration, reactive anger, and sometimes narcissistic regard about oneself.

Avoiding this kind of self-destruction means distinguishing what you really want instead of what others expect from you. Stop that “what will people say?” mentality and instead focus on what really makes you happy. On what you really want to become. Because that will ultimately give you personal contentment and self-worth.

4. You’re unwell most often. Do you have days like you don’t have the appetite to chew on something and you fail to look after yourself? Or all of a sudden you experience a headache and feel nauseated?

These are your body’s ways of signaling you that you are not okay. That you need to do something. And the worst part is… you may have the tendency to self-medicate or abuse substances hoping they can help you feel better. Without professional guidance, you might be delivering yourself to your own graveyard.

Before anything else, it’s important that you acknowledge that you need help. Might as well visit a doctor and join some support groups. There’s only one you so take care of your health and start on sorting things out. Take things little by little and keep having excellence in the ordinary because they all sum up in the end.

5. You’re constantly dreaming of a different life. Do you often picture yourself in a different situation? Or aspire of becoming a more accomplished version of you?

There’s nothing more frustrating than to see yourself stagnant while others have gone further in life. It’s hard to watch the clock tick as your dreams keep fading into blackness.

Your goals and dreams are the core essence of your life. They substantiate your very existence. They need to come to life, and they depend on you for it to happen.

So reconcile yourself now and live a fulfilled life. Live in boundless joy and share that joy to the world.



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