Home Life I Am Slowly Learning That Everything Begins With Our Thoughts

I Am Slowly Learning That Everything Begins With Our Thoughts

You may have often heard the phrase “We attract what we think.” Maybe, you’ve seen it somewhere and never really thought about it again. You might be skeptical of the power of this simple idea (just as I once was), but there is truth to this statement.

I am slowly learning that everything begins with our thoughts.

Try to think of the things that you want to happen, things that you want to achieve. Try to deeply envision reaching these goals. It will be hard at first, especially if you’ve experienced many unfortunate events, but just try.

Oprah once interviewed Jim Carrey, and he shared a story about writing himself a 10-million-dollar check before he had any money. Even though that may sound ridiculous, he did it just to lift himself up. He kept that note in his wallet for years, but eventually he made $10 million just in one movie role!

Turning our thoughts into reality may not seem as simple as it sounds, but what started as a visualization to make himself feel better later became a reality for Jim Carrey. If someone achieved their dreams just by holding onto a single thought, then so can we!

Our minds are powerful. They can lead us to greater things if we simply believe.

Changing your thoughts won’t happen overnight (after all, everything is a process). It might take years to reach your goals. And no, you won’t always be in a calm and happy state, because that’s not how life works. There will be days, or even weeks, when you think that your positive thoughts are not working. You may feel like you are just running in circles, but I believe that if you are aware, then you are still on the right track.

Don’t let go of that vision of where you want to be or what you want to feel. Don’t give up on your dreams and passions.

Perhaps the universe is just waiting for you to make a move so that it can do its part in helping you achieve what you truly desire.

Read Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist.” If you feel lost, read it again. Go for your Personal Legend.

Think it. Claim it. Work on it. Reach it.

And throughout it all, I am here, cheering you on.

Feature Image by Jared Rice on Unsplash



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