Why I Will Never Go Back To Watching Porn

Many people in our society watch pornography to please themselves when their significant other isn’t around or to ease their sexual frustrations. Although many people rely on porn, and some even develop an addiction, porn isn’t for everyone, including me.

In my late teenage years, I  became curious about sex and pornography, mainly because I’d heard my friends talk about it. They all raved about their first times watching porn and how crazy it was for them.

During that time, I also hoped to find myself.

I wanted to experiment sexually, and I even told my doctor about my cravings because I worried that I needed sex too often. She reassured me that I was a typical, hormonal teen, and that’s when I started to watch wheelchair-style porn (since I use a wheelchair).

I’d also go on disability sex sites, which I thought would help fulfill my sexual needs. Instead of suppressing my urges, these sites just increased my desire for sex. It felt like I was on a diet, except instead of craving fries and cake, I was constantly wanting to have sex.

After a while, I began to think I needed porn, even though I really didn’t, but thankfully, I was able to stop watching. One night, I was feeling horny and watching a pornographic video when a relative caught me in the act. I felt completely ashamed of myself and wanted to quit porn for good.

Slowly, I began to recover from my experiences with porn. Every time I felt those cravings come on, I remembered how negatively it impacted my life and relationships. I searched for healthier emotional outlets to satisfy me when I craved sex.

I realized that I wanted to wait until I was truly ready to have sex.

Pornographic films give us unrealistic ideas of what sex is like, especially if we’ve never experienced it for ourselves. Instead of relying on porn, wait until you find that special someone you truly want to be with, take it slowly, and have the time of your life.

Featured Photo by Andreea Chidu on Unsplash.


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