Home Beauty Strong Girls Stop Chasing These 10 Things When They Realize Their Strength

Strong Girls Stop Chasing These 10 Things When They Realize Their Strength

Strong girls are not born that way—strong girls have become strong from all the struggles they endured throughout their lives. Once the dust settles after sudden and dramatic changes, everything becomes clear to them. Strong girls realize the things they resisted are the very things that needed to happen for them to grow and move forward. Strong girls also realize it’s pointless to keep chasing the things that won’t help them move forward in life.

Here are 10 things strong girls stop chasing so they can use that energy on the things in life that truly matter.

1. Men

When girls realize how strong they are, they build enough confidence in themselves to know that the perfect man will enter their world naturally. Strong girls will be honest and upfront with men about their intentions, and if he lets her get away, it’s his loss. They know that they deserve to have men in their lives who make a real effort to show that he genuinely cares and wants to be with them. They won’t accept anything less.

2. Love

Strong girls know that they cannot chase genuine, heartfelt love. When girls realize how strong they are, they learn how important it is to love themselves first. Strong girls are at peace with every part of themselves. Therefore, when people don’t love them, it doesn’t matter, because strong girls love those who love them just like they love themselves. Strong girls are self-sufficient, so. they don’t chase love. They simply remain open to it.

3. People

Strong girls stop chasing people, whether it’s family, friends, coworkers, or anyone else in their lives. They are willing to put in the effort to meet people in the middle, but they are also wise enough to realize when no one is reciprocating that effort. Strong girls allow the right people to enter their life and stay there on their own terms—not because they chased them, but because they want to have that connection, a connection that forms easily and certainly.

4. Approval

Chasing people’s approval is a waste of time and effort. Strong girls stop chasing others’ approval and only seek their own approval. Strong girls have reached a point where they’ve accepted themselves, even with their flaws. They stop focusing on others’ thoughts and perceptions. They know their truth and more importantly, they know approval from others doesn’t define them.

5. Anything They Are Not

Strong girls remain true to themselves; they stop chasing the newest rage. They don’t allow themselves to lose track of who they really are by trying to be like everyone else. Strong girls know the importance of being unique in a world that’s trying to make them like everyone else. When girls realize how strong they are, they become free thinkers and pursue whatever really lights their soul on fire.

6. Money

Strong girls stop chasing after money. They focus more on their inner self because money can’t do anything to change the way they feel about themselves. Strong girls invest in themselves. They realize that’s where the magic happens. That’s what has the biggest affect on their income: Not how much money they have in the bank, but how much they invest in themselves.

7. Happiness

Strong girls stop chasing the world’s definition of happiness and begin to recognize the decision to experience happiness has been right in front of them all along. Happiness is doing things that are challenging, meaningful, beautiful, and worthwhile. Strong girls know that happiness lies in the direction they choose and the way they live their lives.

8. Success

Strong girls don’t chase success; they attract success into their lives by improving themselves every day. The strongest girls stop chasing rainbows, looking for that pot of gold. They work hard and let success come into their lives.

9. The Perfect Body

We’ve all been there: You’re on your newsfeed when you scroll past a perfect bikini picture. Immediately, the negative thoughts start to stream in. But, when girls realize how damn strong they are, they learn to love their own skin. Strong girls know life isn’t just about looking great in skinny jeans. Strong girls won’t chase after beauty standards; they stop trying to obtain the “perfect body.” Strong girls recognize that deep reverence for their body is the most powerful way to connect to the creativity and power we each possess. Strong girls love the bodies they call home and embrace them.

10. The Perfect Life

Modern society is obsessed with perfection and geared towards chasing it. The perfect house, car, family, and life simply do not exist. Strong girls stop chasing what is missing from their lives and stop wishing things were different. They stop chasing society’s false perfection and live their life to the fullest, appreciating everything that they do have.

When strong girls finally realize how strong they really are, they discover who they are and why they’re here. This clarity gives them a sense of purpose that’s much larger than the humdrum of day-to-day life. When will you stop chasing the wrong things and give the right things a chance to catch you? When is it your time to embrace the strong girl that you are?

Featured Photo by Yuri Levin on Unsplash.



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