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PSA To All Pet Owners: You Need To Know What Vaccines Your Pet Needs

If you currently own a pet then I’m sure you have heard how important vaccines are. Naturally, we all want to trust in what our vet suggests when it comes to our pet’s overall health. But how often do we look into the vaccines they’re giving our pet? Last week, I took my 4-year-old Chihuahua, Hunter, to get his nails clipped. However they wouldn’t clip them without giving him his rabies vaccine. I was always worried about getting him vaccinated too much because of his size. Plus he didn’t react well to them when he was a puppy.

I finally agreed to have his rabies vaccination so he could continue his routine check-ups. Once we arrived the vet also mentioned that he should get his distemper vaccine. I agreed to this too because I figured that having them all done on the same day would be better than bringing him back. Not only was I wrong for agreeing to this, I should have done more research.

Since my dog’s appointment last week, he hasn’t been himself. He barely interacts with us and looks like he’s in a daze or confused. When we try speaking to him he often stares off and doesn’t acknowledge what we’re saying. This is completely out of character for him and it hurts me to see him this way. The first day he was tired and sore which I was told would be normal.

However, over the last couple of days, he has gotten worse. His muscles twitch, there are times where he can’t use his legs at all. He doesn’t want to play as much, and he seems to go in and out of different mood swings. After researching more about the vaccinations, I’ve found close to a hundred articles (most written by veterinarian’s themselves) all regarding the danger behind dogs getting multiple vaccinations at once.

If your pet has received a distemper vaccination, you may see on your bill that it comes up as DHPP which stands for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus. It’s only one shot but contains four vaccinations. These are what are better known as combination vaccines. Hunter received five vaccines in one appointment. The danger of getting a combination vaccine with a rabies vaccine is much greater in small dogs. Small dogs receive the same amount of vaccines that a Great Dane would receive and most of these dogs received the vaccines when they were puppies. Statistics are showing more and more that pets that were vaccinated as puppies, still have the full protection of the vaccine throughout adulthood.

If you take your pet and your vet insists on vaccines, be sure to ask for a titer test. The titer test determines how much of that vaccine is still active from previous vaccines. If the titer test comes back that the vaccine is still active, DO NOT revaccinate your pet. They are finding more death related illnesses coming from vaccinations that animals were getting too frequently throughout their lifetime. Also, never allow your pet to have a vaccination the same day as their rabies vaccination. There should always be at least two to three weeks in-between if not more.

These vaccinations aren’t researched enough by pet owners. The stories that have been told are mostly from owners that unfortunately, lost their pet due to a vaccination. The rabies vaccine alone can cause your pet to become paralyzed, go into cardiac arrest, kidney failure, and have an overall shorter lifespan.

The veterinarian’s that have seen these cases too often are pushing for pet owners to become more involved in their pet’s life. Ask questions when you take your pet in for their check-up. Make sure to ask what the symptoms and possible precautions are of a vaccine are. And always be sure to do a titer test before agreeing to any vaccines. Pet owners need to take a stand when it comes to these vaccines.

If a rabies vaccine alone can cause that much harm to our pet… Then we need to find a solution or a better vaccine to take its place. Don’t let your pet become another statistic on how harmful vaccinations are. Take a stand now with the vets who care more about your pet’s safety than the money in your pocket. I encourage all of you to head over to Protect The Pets where you can learn more about this topic. Dr. Robb is a veterinarian that is pushing for change. He has personally witnessed the harmful reactions vaccines can have on our pets.

Lastly, be sure to watch his YouTube video

If you have had a similar situation with your pet, you can reach out to Dr. Robb and other organizations to help their cause.

Our pets can’t speak for themselves, so it’s time that we speak up for them.

Featured image via Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels



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