Home Adulting 10 Steps To Plan Out Your Big Cleaning Adventure

10 Steps To Plan Out Your Big Cleaning Adventure

Spring-cleaning doesn’t have to be a last minute affair. It’s not necessarily a frenzied vacuum cleaner rush-job that you have to do all at once, either. There are ways to prepare and plan for this annual event way before it’s time to get your hands dirty and your house clean. Follow along with this 10-step list of cleaning preparation tips to make the most of your time and efforts!


We can reduce the major challenge of spring-cleaning can be reduced to a series of minor, more manageable tasks with an effective plan in place. This isn’t maintenance cleaning; it’s a full-on serious effort that digs into every corner of your home. Count your rooms, and make a list of each one. A great idea is to Set aside time to do a thorough walkthrough as you compile your lists. Even if it takes a few weekends of list-making complete the task, stay in each room as you write down the appropriate tasks. This prevents you from forgetting something and having to stop your flow once you get going.

Lists and planning they really are that important in spring-cleaning. Try to discover the upsides as well for the cleaning materials that you will use


When it comes to cleaning You can either spring-clean quickly or properly. Only you can decide what’s right for your personal spring-cleaning endeavor, but… I’m assuming that since you made your big list and planned ahead, you want to do it right.

“Doing it right” is going to require some thought about how long it will take you for not only each room but for each task as well. This is going to vary for each item on your list, and I wouldn’t hold yourself to every estimate inexact standards. It’s going to take as long as it takes, but it’s still good to set goals and think it through.

Your weekly or regular cleanings will brush over things that spring-cleaning shouldn’t. So how do you break this giant task into manageable segments?


This is the part where you actually go out and buy the things you need for your spring-cleaning endeavor. Plan your budget ahead, and save up if you need to.

Remember to have a list of tools you need to replace and purchase for this phase as well. All brooms, mops, vacuum attachments should be new, like-new or cleaned and ready to be put to use. For a good start to the tools you’ll need, Honest Product Reviews has a solid selection on cleaning supplies.

Also, stock up on microfiber cloths and storage bins. And you’ll need to make sure you have bins and totes on hand to store any unneeded items that are strewn about the house.


You thought this was the “go” section, didn’t you? Well, you can’t dig in until you can get to everything you need to clean. That means picking up and storing as many superfluous items as you can prior to launching you full-on efforts into spring-cleaning.

De-cluttering your home is a part of the process, though, and it should be included on your main lists for each room. This is why you needed extra totes or bins as well. If it were me, I’d have one each set up for keepers, tossers and donations. Things accumulate, and now is the time to get rid of anything you and your family doesn’t need and reclaim your living space.


Spring-cleaning is a monumental task for one person to tackle alone.

Be creative with your friends or kids. Ask your friends to help in exchange for pizza, beer, or whatever works. Offer to help them at their place, too. Having company will make things go faster and be more fun.

Ask your kids to get involved by giving them manageable tasks like looking for expirations dates or gathering up their laundry.

If you have roommates they should be in on the plan from the start anyway. But if not, you need to ask them if they’ll help move furniture, hold ladders, move appliances, and flip mattresses.  Make sure that everyone important to you is available to help out — and make it fun!


That’s right, you’re starting at the top!

This is where your planning and lists come in handy. Do you have 20-foot ceilings in the living room? Do you have a good enough indoor ladder? Do you have hoses and extensions poles that reach?

You will if you made a strong list.


You’ve made a really long list, so be sure to cross completed tasks off as you go to avoid confusion or overtime efforts.

If you think you’re getting short on time, you can prioritize high-traffic zones for more extensive cleaning. These areas are more likely to get stains, too, so you want to zoom in on those before moving to other things. This is not just about appearance, either. Stains do damage and the cleaner them up the longer your carpets, furniture, and walls are going to last.

It’s always OK to reassess your spring-cleaning lists. Figure out where you’re at in the process and compare it to where you’d like to be. You can reshape your lists as you go.

Whatever you do, make sure you’re happy with the choice. If it really needs to be done, don’t put it off.


Waiting begets more waiting. The longer you put off a job, the harder it will be to get back into the flow and get it done. Finish what you start to the best of your ability and reshape your lists accordingly until everything you wanted to do gets checked off as a big, happy “COMPLETE!”


Get rid of everything and anything that is expired, and that includes things as diverse as crackers through makeup kits. Food and cosmetics really can carry a lot of bacteria that transfers to other areas of the home, making things harder to clean and generally less healthy for your entire household. If it’s past its prime, draw the line.


This list of yours is a wonderful foundation for future use. It’s also highly detailed and you can use it to get into smaller projects all year long. That includes general maintenance on things like your air conditioners and water heaters, vacuum cleaner belts, and more. Some things you can’t prevent, but it’s good to plan ahead and include as many things as you can on your lists, both inside and outside your home. And, if you feel like it’s too much to maintain, you can always look for cleaning services in Atlanta or anywhere to help you out.

Featured image via Averie Woodard on Unsplash


  1. I need help with this cleaning. I have ducts in the ceiling that are dusty. I guess it is not safe for me. Please would you mind helping me find out what to do?


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