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10 Things You Need To Do To Plan Your Dream Vacation

Work, Save, Travel, Repeat.

This should be everyone’s motto if it isn’t already. We don’t realize its importance unless we have travelled extensively. It is only then that we realize how big the world is and what a small place we occupy in it. Some people are privileged enough to have the time and resources to be able to travel extensively, however, for the most  of us, travel is a luxury, and we should make the most of it. In my opinion, you should spend time and money on travelling rather than on other things because the memories and experiences you will have will be unmatched. There’s a reason the Dalai Lama once said, “ Once a year, go someplace you haven’t already.” That might be a stretch for most of us, but it is at least  worth a try. Here are some things we should keep in mind while planning a holiday.

  1. Do research on the locations you want to visit

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of research. Make Google your best friend and research  everything from the locations to visit to the places to stay, food options, weather, and sites to see. We should plan in such a way in which we have most of our points about what to do, how long we need to stay, and options for our free time noted down ahead of time.

2. Always try to group nearby locations together

Why not see multiple places for the cost of travelling to one? Depending on how much time and money we have to spare, we should try to group together two to three places that are close by  in order to get the most out of our plane journey. Rather than going to one city, we should try to visit two to three cities, or if we are visiting one entire country, we should try to group it with two to three bordering countries to get the most out of the experience at the price of one ticket.

3. Figure out the commute beforehand.

As I mentioned before, we should research about the ways of transportation in the place we are visiting. Local sightseeing is manageable, but if we are going from one city to another,  from city to island, or from country to country, we should know exactly how we are going to get from point A to point B in order to avoid wasting time and resources while we are there.

4. Have a realistic budget.

This is by far the most important thing we should consider  before we start planning a trip. There is no point in finishing our research and getting excited about the trip, only to realize that it is not something we can afford at the moment. It is important to figure how much money we can realistically set aside for the trip and then pick a place accordingly. For example, some places in Asia are very cheap to travel to in comparison to some of the more developed countries, like Europe, Canada, the USA, and Australia, which are a lot more expensive. We should be mindful about the budget and zero in on a place accordingly.

5. Location is everything.

After we have decided on a place to visit, while we are doing research about it, we must pick a place to stay that is near the city center. No one wants to travel long distances to get from their place of boarding to any major sites in the city. You would probably rather invest in a central hotel than a suburban one so that you can spend less time and money travelling. Decide what you want to get out of the place you’re visiting, and pick a location accordingly. If you want to be close to the malls, restaurants, nightlife, you’ll be located in a different area than if you want to be  closer to the historical monuments, castles, and parks.

6. Always have a backup plan.

We can plan as much as we like, but we can never predict things that are not in our control. Our flight could get cancelled, our train could be delayed, or the weather could suddenly become bad. Rather than moping about wasting a day due to unforeseen conditions, we should always  be ready with a plan B. We should be able to eliminate certain things and add a few others to our itinerary to accommodate the time we have in the place we’re visiting.

7. Have a realistic itinerary

While planning our itinerary, we tend to get very ambitious. while planning an itinerary. Every place we go to will have a ton of things to do, but there’s no way we can see it all. We need to pick and choose what we would like to see but at the same time not try to fit more than two to three things in a day. Also, it’s important to not book all your excursions beforehand, as then, you will be tied to doing only those when you go there. Even if you find something more interesting once you’re at your location, you won’t have the time to do it because you have booked everything beforehand. Keep some free time to book a few excursions of your interest while you’re at your holiday spot.

8. Book carefully

In today’s time of technology, we have all the information we need about our holiday at our fingertips. We should not hurry in making bookings, whether it is for flights, hotels, or excursions. Take your time to see which options are available and then decide on what’s most suitable for you.

9. Check the weather

This is a big one. Weather is primarily what predicts travel seasonality in every place. It is extremely crucial that we check the weather before we make any bookings. You don’t want to go to an exotic beach to find yourself stuck in the room because it’s raining or unable to visit your favorite amusement park because it’s snowing. Make sure the weather is suitable to the purpose of your trip.

10. Manage the paperwork

A holiday should be about relaxation, not stress. Be sure to compile and submit your paperwork well in advance. You don’t want to be waiting until the last day to land a visa or not knowing if you’re travelling or not until the last minute because you’re wait-listed for your seat. Make sure your visa, flight bookings, excursions, and hotel vouchers are all kept organized in one place before it’s time for your travel.

It is crucial that we start planning for a trip well before it is time to leave. As mentioned earlier, vacation is supposed to be a time to enjoy and relax. You don’t need the last minute stress figuring out if the paperwork is all right or not. We don’t need to make extensive vacation plans every time, but whatever we can manage, we should do every chance we get. We should travel while we are young and able, so don’t worry about the money and somehow make it work. Always remember that experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.

Featured Photo via Unsplash



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