Because I Believe In Us I Will Never Stop Trying

“A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather,

I was praying that you and me might end up together,

It’s like wishing for rain and I stand in the desert,

But I’m holding you closer than most,

Cause you are my heaven…” – Ron Pope

I am a writer, and I connect with people through words. But lately, I can’t seem to find the words to get through to you. I know that in life things never pan out the way we want them to. Despite being a writer, I don’t have the magic words, prayers, or a perfectly defined plan for us.

My mind comes up with all these scenarios, and as beautiful as they are, the only thing that matters, is that in the end, we are together. I am the kind of person that likes to fix things, to solve them and show everyone that there is still hope. And sometimes the hardest part about being a person is learning that it’s okay not to have a solution; that it is okay not to be in complete control all the time.

Truthfully, I don’t know what lies before me. But deep down, I hope that wherever I go, it will always be with you. I know that it may be messy and complicated, but I hope the road we take will always be filled with love and laughter. I hope that in the end, we will be together.

It might be silly of me to hope, but I won’t give up on us. I will hold on to us today, tomorrow, and forever. Because I know that we are worth it. Fighting for us is worth it. And if you aren’t written in my stars, then I will fight them. I will fight for the possibility of us, and that I promise to you.

The future is terrifying, but we have to believe. Because if we don’t, then what is the meaning of this life? We have to believe that in the end, we will end up together, no matter what stands in our way. I refuse to accept that we don’t have a future together. Because deep down, you and I both know we do. You made me believe in love again, to believe in myself. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard for me to believe that we won’t end up together. You are the best part of me. And I won’t give up. I won’t let you push me away. Because I know you care, I know that you love me. And I also know that you are worth it.

Most nights I hardly sleep, wondering how you’re doing. Worried that just as I am fading away, you are too. So please take care of yourself, for my sake. Promise me you will fight for us. Promise me you won’t give up. Because I love you so much. And I will keep loving you for the rest of my life. No matter what happens, no matter what comes my way, I will love you and only you.

Feature image via Juan Mendez on Pexels


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