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Why The Chances You Fear The Most Are The Ones You Need To Take

There are new opportunities around us everyday. Most of us tend to take some and leave the rest. While at other times, we don’t take any opportunities for fear they won’t work out, they don’t seem right for us, or because we don’t feel capable enough. Most often these are the opportunities that scare us and cause us to second guess our direction in life. But we should take every opportunity that comes our way because opportunities don’t last forever. When a new job, a new relationship, or simply something fun comes our way, we should take the opportunity because the outcome and rewards could be more than we bargained for.

When you encounter new opportunities and you choose to act on them, you are allowing yourself to build your skills and increase your chances of getting to where you want to go in life. You can strengthen your weaknesses and boost your strengths by launching into areas that you may or may not be as skilled or knowledgeable about. There is always room for improvement and growth. Ultimately, taking every opportunity that you can is a great way to expand your mind and become a better person.

Sometimes, it seems easier for us to wait until that one special BIG opportunity comes our way. The dream job. The perfect relationship. The right location. The beautiful house. Here is what you need to know: It is perfectly fine to dream and to wish for something. We all do it even for the smallest things like winning a random afternoon neighborhood game of chess. But don’t make the mistake of looking so far ahead that you forget to walk through the door. It’s like looking over a bridge but forgetting that you have to cross it.

Every opportunity that you accept now and dutifully fulfill the requirements of that opportunity whatever it is is most likely the stepping stone to the opportunity you’ve always dreamed of. Your first job may be an entry-level position that is rather thankless and underappreciated. If you skip that job and don’t work at it faithfully to be the best person you can be there, there is no telling what you’ll do when other opportunities come your way. Sometimes, the opportunity we don’t want or the path we are less likely to choose for ourselves is the one that opens the doors to what we dream of doing and being.

Every challenge that you allow yourself to overcome is valuable. Not everything will be easy and you may not even get the most out of every opportunity, but trying can still do great things. Someone once said that the best thing you can do with an opportunity that you don’t particularly like is to make it a learning experience. Take it and then learn all that you can out of it. People often complain that there are no opportunities. There are plenty of opportunities, sometimes not the ones we want, but the ones we need.

There are no guarantees in life. You could succeed but you also could fail. However, when you take on opportunities, you are increasing your value, boosting your skill set, and preparing for the opportunity that you really want. Every opportunity allows you to explore things you like and dislike. You may even decide that you want to do something else with your life. Sometimes, the chances we fear the most are the ones we need to take because that is where the biggest reward comes from.

With every new opportunity comes new phases of life. You can make new friends, form new relationships, and inspire the people you work around, and it doesn’t matter how big or small the impact. Every opportunity you take allows you to develop relationships, both old and new. Unless you plan to work by yourself, you need to enjoy the people you work with and be able to work well with them. People are both awesome and different and want many of the same things you want in life.

Taking on new opportunities allows for greater satisfaction in life. The more comfortable you become, the more likely you are to trust yourself and walk through the door, not because it is wide open but just because it is there. You don’t necessarily need to take on every opportunity because they aren’t all going to be for you. But don’t be afraid to open yourself up to the possibilities around you. New opportunities arise every day and if you want to go far in life, it is up to you to decide to take them.

Featured image via Diana Simumpande on Unsplash



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