Home Humor Why Animals Are Infinitely Better Than People

Why Animals Are Infinitely Better Than People

Growing up, I was obsessed with animals. Not much has changed on that front, other than my obsession grew. There is just this innocence that comes with them that makes my heart all warm inside that I can’t help by getting a little tear in my eye and the need to take them all home (raccoons and other wildlife included). They aren’t hateful, they aren’t judgemental, they don’t talk behind your back or plot against you (unless they’re trying to eat you).

To me, animals are better than people.

Recently, I worked an event at an animal shelter. You would think that it would be the best event ever for someone with an animal obsession, but it was far from it. The moment I walked into the shelter, I was overwhelmed.

The first dog I saw was thirteen years old. My mind couldn’t wrap my head around it that someone could let go of their pet that they had had for so long and that once meant something to them. It literally broke my heart to think what this dog could be going to through in this foreign place, waiting for his or her family that will never come. SO MANY TEARS.

Needless to say, after that event I had to be sedated with wine and cuddle time with my dog. I spend a lot, if not all, of my free time with my dog. Like I tell him, he is my whole little world. Like with my other dogs that I had grown up with, I go to work to make his life better. To spoil him rotten and give him the best life that I can possible. He is the only one that can put a smile on my face no matter the time/condition of the day.

He may be a hand full and still needs a lot of training, but every day that we work together, he makes me feel a little better about myself and the world. The quote has never been truer towards shelter dogs, “Who rescued who?” OMG STOP CRYING.

My behavior towards my dog is something that some people will never understand, just like how I will never understand someone who doesn’t have a full appreciation for their pets. I know people that have pets but just look at them as if they are just an object; something that is just there for fun whenever they want it. They don’t look at it as if it is a life, responsibility or as if it is something that needs to be taken care of. While I look at my dog as if he is my “fur baby,” they look at them as if they are expendable. To those who see pets as if they are just an accessory, you need to refocus your life (and possibly give me your pet to show you how it is done).

While humans may be your priority, your pet shouldn’t fall too low in the level of importance. They might not be around as long as a human, but they are a life and they require you to not only take care of them but make them feel loved. Pets need a lot of time and attention for proper training and care. If you are not able to provide that, now might be the time to rethink having a pet. They deserve all of the best love and attention that we can give them and someone who is going to look after them as if they are part of their family.

Lesson to be learned: Make time for your pets.

Cancel plans and stay in with them. Spoil them rotten. Give them all of the unconditional love that you can give them and that they deserve. They are on this Earth far shorter than we need them to be, but that just means that we need to take all the extra moments that we can to treasure them as much as possible. Rearrange parts of your life to create a bigger space for them. And as always, adopt don’t shop.

Featured image via Chewy on Unsplash



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