Home Latest 4 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy And Fit This Summer

4 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy And Fit This Summer

Summer is here and you definitely didn’t follow through on your new year’s resolution to go to the gym and be healthier. That is okay. A few alterations to your daily routine can make a huge difference in your mental and physical health.

Adding lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to your water has many detoxifying benefits for your body. That being said, carry a water bottle with you to ensure you’re keeping your body hydrated. Water not only helps the body flush out unwanted toxins, it also increases your metabolism and reduces your appetite. A lot of the time, our sweet cravings or nagging hunger are a result of not being properly hydrated. By drinking water more, you may even reduce the random calorie intakes you indulge in.

I noticed that once I started following a bunch of fitspiration accounts on my social media platforms, I was constantly checking to see what new routines or plans I could copy and try out. This saved me a lot of time getting lost in the abyss that is Pinterest when you start looking for healthy meal prep ideas (which I strongly recommend) and workout routines. A quick image can spark your creativity so you can personalize the meal to add your own favorites.

Once I got rid of the scale and started focusing on eating healthier (while still indulging in some sweets here and there), my body changed drastically. My stomach became more toned once I cut down how often and how much alcohol I was drinking, and when I finally weighed myself after a few months, I noticed that I had gained weight. That being said, I dropped down in pant sizes, as my healthier eating and workout routines had shaved a few inches from my waist, and I was happier with my physical appearance. If you become fixated on the number on the scale, you will be losing weight the unhealthy way. I am so much healthier and happier now than when I did have a scale.

Lastly, invest in your fitness. Whether it’s an armband to hold your phone while you workout that you got from the dollar store or the new Lululemon pants you were saving up for, putting money out for something can motivate you to be more committed to it. If you purchase new shoes, you’re likely going to want to parade around the gym or neighborhood with them. TREAT YOURSELF!

If you have a busy schedule this summer, look for the easy modifications you can make to your routine. Hydrate your body and get on a sleep schedule to improve your metabolism, look into meal prep, and buy yourself some new fitness gear to help keep you motivated. You got this!

Featured image via Taylor Deas-Melesh on Unsplash



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