Home Fashion 5 Reasons Cleaning Your Closet Is Better Than Working Out

5 Reasons Cleaning Your Closet Is Better Than Working Out

Working out is a great way to blow off steam, a method to help someone change, and even just a social gathering that doesn’t revolve around eating or drinking. But the gym and all physical activities classified under that fitness umbrella are missing one thing: immediate results. But I know a task that will help with all the things you try to accomplish by working out…cleaning out your closet.

Channel your energy

What better way to get your mind off what’s bothering you than to look at clothes?! It’s like going shopping but it’s free and you’re actually getting rid of things. You will no longer be thinking of the terrible date you had over the weekend but instead will be remembering how much fun you had in that sweater last winter at the skating rink. You have so many more cute date clothes to wear with the next guy!

See immediate changes

You see the difference right away when you take things out of your closet. There is more space to put extra sheets or books and de-clutter your open spaces. You can even buy more clothes and there will be room for them! Having space between hangers makes it so much easier in the morning when you’re looking for something to put on. You’ll feel a whole lot less stressed about what to put on when you see options you actually like in there.

Make it a party

If you want to be social, invite your girls over to have some wine and give you their advice on what should stay or go. If they’re your size, they can even take some of it off your hands for you. It’s a personalized fashion show which makes you feel like you’re the center of attention and what girl doesn’t like that every now and again? Endorphins, which are released in your body from exercise, make you happy just like wine and clothes do!

Refresh your look

Sometimes going through your clothes is more about stepping your game up than about leaving things behind. Vintage 90’s looks are in and casual has taken a whole new meaning this summer when it comes to looking like you woke up like that. You probably have some hidden gems in the back there just waiting to be worn with an updated accessory.

Being a better person

The gym makes you feel accomplished and so can boxing up clothes. As long as nothing is damaged, you can donate it to those less fortunate. Whether it be to Goodwill or Salvation Army, a homeless shelter or a battered women’s shelter, your old pieces will be treasured by those who never had the luxury of getting them first hand. Giving back to your community has you feeling way better than you feel after legs day.

Maybe cleansing your old fashion choices won’t give you sculpted arms or the ability to swim laps but it will make you feel like a new person. When you’re more confident, it shows. Getting healthy is one way to build confidence but so is loving what you’re wearing. Don’t use giving away clothes as your new workout though; you’ll end up naked instead of stronger.

Feature image via Screengrab of Clueless



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