The Side Of Traveling That No One Talks About But Definitely Should

What comes to your mind when you think of traveling? The pictures you constantly see streamlining your timelines? The road trip you took last summer? Watching the sunset on a beach after a day of lying out and swimming in the ocean? A family vacation you took growing up? Backpacking through Europe? Eating street food in bizarre countries? Hiking to the top of a mountain? Riding camels and sleeping in the desert? There are the glamorous parts of travel that everyone envisions in their own way.


The part that isn’t so glamorous. It’s not all adventurous moments you capture through your camera lens.

With travel, just like “real life,” there will be hard times and you can’t be naïve enough to think there won’t be. There will be the times you wish you could just go home and be surrounded by familiar faces and places. There will be weddings you can’t attend, birthdays you can’t celebrate, holidays where you can’t be surrounded by family and traditions.

With travel you have to accept that your life will never be whole again, because you will always leave pieces of your heart everywhere you go. You will leave pieces of your heart with the friends you met on the train traveling through Europe. You will leave pieces of your heart in the hostels you spent nights in having deep conversations. You will leave pieces of your heart in the ocean as you scuba dive to great depths. You will leave parts of your heart in National Parks as you road trip through the United States. You will leave pieces of your heart in every meaningful conversation you have with every person you encounter, but you will especially leave pieces of your heart in whatever place you chose to call “home.”

Featured image via Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels


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