Home Humor 10 Hilarious Cat Vines You Need To Watch Right Meow

10 Hilarious Cat Vines You Need To Watch Right Meow

We all know that end-of-the-week feeling: tired, grumpy and counting down the hours until your weekend can finally begin. Maybe your classes have begun again, or maybe you’re back to your first full week of work, away from home without your mom’s home cooking. After the excitement surrounding the holiday season, it’s a hard adjustment when you’re thrown back into your normal life.

Thank God we’ll always have cat videos.

If you’re anything like me, a little break to laugh at the Internet’s funniest cat Vines can get you through any tough day. Here we’ve compiled our favorite cats — to cure your January blues and send along whatever inspiration you’ve been looking for:

  1. Do you ever feel like you’re losing control?



  1. It’s getting colder every day this winter, so maybe you’re finding yourself a little sniffly at your desk.



  1. If you’re finding it hard to stay motivated today, think about this cat’s persistence for a little inspiration.


  1. Admit it. As the weekend rolls around, we all find ourselves daydreaming about getting down on the dance floor this weekend.


  1. We all get a little overwhelmed during the week. Channel this cat’s sass the next time you need to stand up for yourself.


  1. That moment when you realize you’ve put on a little holiday weight…


  1. If you’re ever feeling down on yourself, remember that it could be worse: your stupid moments could air on international television.


  1. Sometimes, you just need a little attention.


  1. Or sometimes, you just need to be alone with your thoughts.


  1. Admit it: mid-week, it’s hard to keep your sh*t together at your desk.


Whether you’re diving into a new semester or back on the 9-to-5 grind, you can always use a Friday laugh. Treat yourself today to a little break with some of the Internet’s favorite feline friends. Just don’t watch any of these in class or at your desk, or your week won’t end on a funny note!

Featured image via YouTube


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