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Slay This Year: 5 Ways To Make 2016 Your B*tch

As we begin to prepare ourselves to go back to school, expectations of this New Year bringing great things is at an all time high.

While we hope for incredible things and exciting adventures to come our way, we forget that change and positivity develops from ourselves first. To make 2016 the best year you’ve ever had, start by being the best version of yourself you could ever be. These 5 tips will help you out:

1. Put your best foot forward

With every new situation and adventure that will come your way, don’t dwell on the “what ifs” and think of all the positive outcomes that could transpire. Positive thinking brings good vibes.

2. Love yourself first

Relationships are great and loving someone is fun, but don’t forget to love yourself first. Learn to accept your flaws this year and begin to fully recognize your beauty and potential. Learn things about yourself you never knew before. You have to be sure of yourself before you can be sure of anyone else.

3. Live to the beat of your own drum

Whether you want to try a new workout class at the gym or try something new with your hair or clothing style, always do what you really want to do. Don’t let society make you believe you shouldn’t for any reason. The life you live is your own and no one else’s.

4. Forget about the past and get rid of the negative

Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect…which is why the past is the past and you are going to make it stay there. Don’t dwell on things that used to be, and start looking at what could be. Take this year to also remove all negativity from your life, whether it be a toxic relationship, friends, a major you don’t even like, or anything that could be holding you back from the best you that you can be. Bye haters!

5. Choose to be happy

In high school, my dance coach made our team’s motto “choose to be happy” and I have never forgotten it. So this year, remember this motto because your happiness is key to a better you and honestly f*ck anything that doesn’t make you happy.

There is no way for us to predict the outcomes of this year. The only thing we can do is take control of our lives and do what is best for us so that we can make 2016 our year. So go out there kick ass and do you. 

Featured image via cottonbro on Pexels



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