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10 Things You Absolutely Have To Cross Off Your Bucket List Before 2016

I don’t know about you, but 2015 barely even existed to me. It flew by so fast and now that the year is coming to an end, there are a lot of things I wish I had done. For next year, I vow to do the big things: take more chances and not have any regrets. December is already almost over and there’s a few things we can still accomplish with the short time we have left:

1. Go to a New Year’s Eve party

Whether I have a guy to kiss at midnight or not, I can still go to a party and have fun with my friends. Just because you’re living the single life doesn’t mean you have to be sad about not having a special someone! Party it up and don’t let anything hold you down!

2. Make a list of goals for next year

Keep telling yourself that 2016 will be the best year yet! Make a list of all the things you want to get accomplished next year and keep it on a wall where you can easily see it. The bathroom mirror is usually a good place so you see it every day while you get ready. Add some inspirational quotes and every time you look at it you’ll be inspired to get things done. At the end of next year look at your list again and be proud of how far you’ve come!

3. Give yourself an early holiday gift

Maybe you just finished with finals or maybe the past few weeks has just been super stressful. The holidays are all about giving, but try being a little selfish and treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting for a while. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to splurge on something huge but maybe just a little something to reward yourself for working hard! Try a spa day or maybe finally get that beautiful pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing for a while.

4. Do something you’ve never done before

I’m not saying be extreme and go skydiving if that makes you nauseous but take a baby step and take a chance! Do something fun that’ll give you a rush of adrenaline. Go on a rollercoaster, go to concert, or just do something you’ve always been too scared to do!

5. Do something good for your community

Giving back to the community you live in can make you feel great about yourself and it helps improve the area you live in. What could be better? Look up places to volunteer online and go do it even if it’s only for an hour or two. It’ll make you feel better about yourself and it will also get you in the holiday spirit of giving as cliché as that sounds.

6. Work on an important relationship

Before the year ends try reconciling with someone who did you wrong and you could never forgive them. Maybe even setting things straight with that friend you’ve been drifting apart from? Go on a friend date and do something fun together that’ll encourage you to start 2016 off on a great foot!

7. Vow to start a new hobby next year

Look up some yoga classes at your local gym or finally start doing all those Pinterest recipes you’re always dying to try. Starting a new hobby will kickstart the new year and get you motivated to keep trying new things!

8. Start a new holiday tradition

With either family or friends start a fun tradition! Whether that be going carolling, ice skating or having a holiday feast with your friends make it something fun you all will enjoy doing. It’s something you and your squad can look forward to during the sometimes stressful holiday season.

9. Make a playlist

Make a playlist of all your favorite songs from this year. Next year some of those songs will be so nostalgic and fun to listen to.

10. Be a tourist in your own city

Sometimes even when you live in a fun city you get caught up in other things and never really get to experience the city for what it is. Look up fun things to do and spend a day being a tourist!

Even if you just do one of these things before the year ends, it’ll make the last few weeks of December feel a bit better. If you go volunteer, take a few friends with you! It’ll make the whole experience that much more enjoyable. Set on trying something you’ve never done before? Invite your best friend or boyfriend to help ease our nerves. Overall, just go out with a bang and vow to make next year the best year ever.

Featured image via Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels


  1. I can’t believe how fast the year went and I definitely want to try and finish this year off with a bang. I am going to try some of the things you listed. I always want to volunteer and give back to my community, but I never seem to have the time, however this break I am going to put this on the top of my list.


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