Home Latest Why It’s Just A Bad Day, Not A Bad Life

Why It’s Just A Bad Day, Not A Bad Life

Read this on your worst of days; the days when you don’t have the motivation to get out of bed, or the days when your sad and at your lowest point when you’d rather just sleep the pain away rather than face it. Whatever kind of sadness or heartbreak you may be feeling on this day, I may not understand it and I may not be able to relate to it, but I want to help.

The fact that you’re reading this means you woke up to see another day. Not everyone had the chance to see this morning. Even if you awoke to the buzz of dreadful alarm clock, or maybe to the inconsiderate sounds of your roommate rummaging through the kitchen cabinets down the hall, you still had the blessing of waking up. No matter how unbearable today may seem, at least you get to be alive for it and are given the opportunity to make it better.

You are loved by many. I would bet that you could pick up your phone and call someone who will be beyond excited to hear your voice on the other line. Even if you might feel unloved by someone who you want to love you, there’s a handful of people who love you without being asked to. These are the people you need to surround yourself with and be focused on. Genuine love should be given freely. It’s not something you should have to beg for.

 The sun is shining bright and even if it’s not today, it will be tomorrow or the next day. It’s no secret that weather can affect a person’s mood and emotions. It’s much easier to stay in bed and soak up the sadness when the weather outside reflects how you feel: gloomy. Well, I suggest getting a head start on creating the positivity now, so when the sun does decide to come back out you’ll be ready to enjoy it.

Time heals everything. The way you’re feeling right now is the worst of it. From this sentence on, you’ll start to feel better. At least, that is my hope. I’m not saying it will happen quickly. The change may occur so gradually that one day you may realize you’re no longer sad, and I guarantee at this moment you’ll be overcome with a sense of pride and strength. You did it, even when days, weeks, months or years ago, you felt as if you’d never be able to feel genuinely happy again.

Congratulations! You are officially stronger than yesterday. You might not feel it yet, but you will. I’m not talking about physical strength; I’m talking about mental strength. You’ve successfully survived one of life’s curve balls, obstacles or bumps in the road that was sent your way. As unfortunate as the obstacle may have been, you’re going to grow from it and it’s going to shape you. Take the time to allow this mishap, heartbreak, or whatever the source of your sadness might be to transform you into a better person than you were before. I like to call this a second chance at personal growth. Not everyone gets this kind of chance so take it, run with it, and do good with it.

The older we get, the more we seem to realize the meaning behind the phrase “life isn’t easy.” When we’re younger, we hear the phrase uttered and it goes right over our heads, but now I’m sure we’ve all encountered times when it seems to be shoved in our faces to the point of which it cannot be ignored. The obstacles in life are unavoidable, but what is avoidable are the negative effects we can allow these troubles to have on ourselves and our spirits. Regardless, these events will shape you and alter you but it’s your choice to decide in which ways. Will you use the adversity to grow into a better version of yourself or will you let it set you back while you settle for defeat? I think you know the right answer, and I’m cheering you on.

Featured image via Elina Sazonova on Pexels



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