Home Latest 6 Reasons Why Traveling Is Better Than Having A Boyfriend

6 Reasons Why Traveling Is Better Than Having A Boyfriend

One day when you’re old, you’ll look back on your life and remember all of the things you accomplished and experienced within your lifetime. One of the worst feelings, I think, a person could ever have is looking back on their life and regretting not doing something they always wanted to do. And what’s even worse of a feeling, is if they allow someone else to hold them back.

Traveling is one of the most unique experiences a person can have in their life. It teaches you about other cultures, other people and other lifestyles. Nothing should hold a person back from witnessing these things; especially not another person.

Here are 6 reasons why you should ditch the boy and grab your passport:

  1. You don’t have your whole life to travel.

I hate to break this to you, but one day when you’re married and have three kids and a dog, traveling becomes a lot harder. You’re tied down to more responsibilities like work and your family. When you’re young, you don’t have that extra baggage and have more flexibility. Put off the boyfriend and the responsibilities and grab your suitcase.

  1. YOYO (You’re Only Young Once).

As a 20-something, we feel like our bodies will always healthy and in shape. However, we could not be more wrong. Why waste our precious time and energy on a boy, when we could be seeing the world?

  1. You Meet New People.

Traveling exposes you to different lifestyles and different people whether you’re going across the country or across the globe. Along your journey you could meet the person who just might be the one. You’ll never know who’s out there until you go explore.

  1. You Don’t Have Any Commitments.

When you’re traveling, you don’t have to make a commitment to stay in one place or be tied down to one thing. You can stay in the places you like and leave the places you don’t. Boyfriends are a huge commitment that you can’t just choose to commit to one day and then not the next.

  1. It Will Make You More Interesting.

Eating different types of food, learning to speak new languages, and adapting to different cultures gives you plenty of things to talk about with people. You can tell people about your experiences or you can compare experiences with people who have been to the same places. No one wants to hear you go on and on about your boyfriend.

  1. It Gives You Memories That Will Last.

When you’re old and you’re no longer dating the boy you dated when you were 20, you’re not going to reminisce on the relationship that didn’t work out, you’re going to recall when you ate octopus in China.

Boys can wait. If you want to go explore the world, then go explore the world. Boys will not go extinct while you’re gone and not every boy will be married off by the time you return. If you haven’t found the one yet, maybe he’s out there waiting for you to go find him?! You’ll never know unless you just go. When you get back from all your awesome adventures, then and only then, you can settle down with a boyfriend – and even tell him all about them. 😉

Featured image via Alexandr Podvalny on Pexels



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