6 Things Every Twenty-Something Needs To Stop Apologizing For

Unless you are some sort of perfect creature (and none of us are), apologies are a necessary part of life. It is the only way we can really have relationships with significant others, friends, and family. As a result, it’s important that we own our mistakes. However, there is a fine line between admitting to a mistake and constantly apologizing, even when we did nothing wrong. Just like eating too much chocolate can make our stomachs hurt, saying “I’m sorry” too often can cause harm in our relationships as well as our mental health. When we are extremely self-critical we tend to blame ourselves for a variety of things, even if they aren’t our fault. Here is just a sample of things that we all need to stop apologizing for and start accepting ourselves exactly as we are.

Our Feelings

In any relationship, sharing thoughts and feelings is an important component that needs to be addressed. However, letting someone know how you feel does not mean that any negative emotion comes doused in an apology. Feeling a variety of emotions is human and natural. It’s the fault of your partner if he or she can’t handle the variety of emotions you bring to the relationship. Apologizing for your feelings is not something that creates healthy relationships. On the flip side, sharing your feelings can also find its way to the other extreme which can be unhealthy. Gushing over your partner on a regular basis can lose its effect.

Our Appearance

How often have you found yourself apologizing for wearing sweats instead of jeans? It’s all too common, especially in women, to constantly apologize for looking tired or having a bad hair day. Who said we always have to look our best? When did it become the standard to always look perfect? When we apologize for the way we look we are really just expressing a lack of self-confidence and self-compassion. We all just need to give ourselves a break and accept ourselves exactly as we are. Obviously, our offices have dress codes that need to be followed and a food-stained sweatshirt is really not appropriate attire. Apologizing for not taking time out to primp for a day of running errands is simply uncalled for.

Needing Time To Yourself

We all need alone time in order to re-charge our batteries and have the energy to show up and be the best version of ourselves. However, with that comes the desire to say no or cancel plans that may interfere with anyone’s alone time. Commonly, people will often feel guilty for their need to have alone time. On the other hand, seeing this situation from a different perspective can allow people to feel free of the guilt that they typically endure when canceling plans for some much needed time alone. We all live extremely busy lives and having some respite from the hectic world is needed to clear our minds. If your friends don’t respect your wishes then maybe you need to find better friends who understand the importance of your alone time.

Asking A Question

How often have you thought your question was too stupid so you apologized for asking it? No question is a dumb question. When we apologize for our curiosity we invalidate ourselves. Often we do this because we fear that a peer will roll their eyes at out subpar knowledge. However, requesting help or clarification is not something that deserves an apology attached to it. If someone decides to judge you for asking a question, it is most likely a projection of their own insecurities.

Other People’s Behavior

The only time it is acceptable to apologize for anyone else’s behavior other than your own is when you’ve introduced someone to a person who treats them rudely. Otherwise, there is absolutely no reason to apologize for someone else’s behavior. The way other people act is completely and utterly out of your control. This can be extremely difficult for control freaks to comprehend. However, releasing the need to control everything and everyone is the only way to become mentally healthier in our everyday lives.

Not Responding Immediately To A Text

This can also apply to a phone call, email, or any other social media activity. We can’t always get back to a friend or a loved one in even a reasonable amount of time. Whatever the reasons, there is absolutely no need to apologize for not getting back to the person sooner. Unless there is an urgent emergency, in which case the other person will probably bombard you with attempts at reaching you, there is nothing that needs to be urgently responded too. When we apologize for sending a text back to our friend an hour later, we are saying that our lives are less important than the other persons. And this is simply false. Simply text back “I haven’t forgotten about you. I am just swamped at work.” This appeases the people-pleaser in all of us without rejecting our self-worth and self-respect.

In the end, apologizing when we clearly hurt someone is necessary and important for any healthy relationship to stand the test of time. However, saying sorry for things that we are not responsible for can not only invalidate us and reinforce feelings of low self-esteem, it can trivialize the act of apologizing and give others the impression that we are somehow less capable.

Featured image via Malcolm Garret on Pexels


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